Birthday Banquet

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The kingdom rejoiced as the news of an heir spread. A feast was prepared as a plethora of presents grew to welcome the newborn.

The baby prince's eyes scintillated as his mountain of presents and welcoming faces, as families wished to gift the newborn with blessings and prayers.

The Queens' eyes danced with joy as she saw the jubilation in the guests' smiles, looking at her son as if he was their own. She was relieved to know he was accepted by the people she had grown to love and cherish dearly.

The layered cake as cut and as if he knew, the princeling giggled which caused the members to look at him adoringly. All the people were envious of the woman who had bore him.

The birthday banquet ran smoothly, surprisingly. The king had strengthened his politics and made new, loyal allies. The king, who had once been cold and frightening, until the woman, who now sits on the throne, came along. He had thought his life was perfect, when he had learned his wife was pregnant, he was overjoyed.

His majesty felt as though he could melt into a puddle or adoration just by the sight of his beautiful son. How he loved his son's green, dazzling eyes. They were the same as the boys' mothers.

He could not stop his gaze from softening as he saw the love of his life across the ballroom floor. He had never felt more complete. 

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