chapter seven: and the world kept on turning

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"COME ON IN guys", Jane smiled, ushering her students into the theater with a smile. "I'd like you to meet Ms. Vivian Saunders. She's going to be our choreographer this year", she introduced.

The woman in question had short blonde hair that was perfectly neat. Her blue eyes were small, a bit narrowed. It made her look quite strict. "It's a pleasure to be working with all of you this semester", she stated, her wide mouth curling into a pleasant smile. "I also teach the dance classes on campus, so you may have passed me at some point. Please, just call me Ms. Vivi."

Arella quickly raised her hand. "Miss Jane, I'm confused. We've never had an actual choreographer before", she frowned a little.

Jane nodded. "Well, we're at a bigger school now with a higher budget. And she insisted. I would also like you to meet Dr. Marcus Fitzgerald, who will be our assistant director." The students jaws dropped as they noticed the tall, dark skinned man who gave them a wave from his seat. Having a once world renowned actor as their teacher was mind boggling. Still, it felt odd having new people on the project. They were used to it just being them and Jane and the music in their little bubble. This was becoming a full fledged production. Noticing her students' apprehension, Jane smiled and clapped her hands. "Let's start with a warm up, like we always do", she smiled, taking a seat at the wooden piano. "We'll do Grease. Someone take us away."

For a moment, there was an awkward silence before Hayden stepped forward. "I solve my problems and I seeeee the light. We got a lovin thing, we gotta feeeed it right."

Eli set his book bag down at the back of the stage and joined him, giving him a reassuring smile. "There ain't no danger we can gooo to far. We start belieeeving now that we can be what we aaare."

"Grease is the woooord", the group awkwardly chorused together. And the harmony just... wasn't there. They weren't used to being watched this way, truthfully. Vivi's gaze was so intense, the way she analyzed each of their movements, as if gauging how stiff they would be in a real performance. Mark's gaze was a little more thoughtful, his head tilted as he eyed them. Then, Ethan entered the room and took a seat as well.

"They think our love is just a grooowin pain. Why don't they understand, it's just a cryyyin shame", Oasis sang. It was her first time playing a leading role. She felt the need to prove herself to the group. She deserved this.

Ella smiled brightly as she stood next to her, her mood as cheerful ever. In a few hours, it would be ruined. "Their lips are lyin only reeeal is real. We stop the fiiight right now, we got to be what feeeel."

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