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It was early in the morning when hiccup departed from the large wooden long boat. Copper rays of tired sunlight sloshing carelessly over the hills and through the small town. It bounced from window to window, casting a golden sheen over the walls and illuminating the streets.

"Home sweet home" hiccup thought as he walked through the streets, waving to the builders as they moped and waddled towards the food truck before heading into the construction zone, giving polite "good morning"'s to the little old women as they opened up their libraries and coffee shops.

And before long, hiccup was approaching the barn where he and jack had spent many a night under toothless's watchful gaze, curled under his large insulative wings.

He walked quietly in through the side door, anxiously aware of what time it was; and that's when he saw the cutest sight he'd seen in a long while.

Jack was laying curled up nude under toothless's wing, snoring idly as he caught Z's.

"Psst" hiccup whispered as he poked jack on his cheeks. "Hmm it's early toothless" Jack mumbled in his sleep before cuddling in closer to the large snoring dragon. "jack, it's me hiccup I'm home" he said in an amused whisper as not to startle the sleeping boy.

"Hiccup!" Jack perked up, seeing the Viking boy crouched next to him. Before long, jack had stood up and cuddled him tightly. But it was soon interrupted by toothless throwing himself at the pair, causing them to fall to the ground laughing.

"So did you bring me anything from Berk?" Jack asked when the pair were in the house, sipping on warm coffees.

"Well, not necessarily, but I do have a present for you" hiccup said excitedly. "Oo what?" Jack responded.

"Follow Me"

— 2 hours later —

"Not that I don't love dragon rides, but how is this the present" jack shouted over the whistling snowy winds, "you'll see!" Hiccup said as the trio landed on a snowy island.

"Where is this place, I mean I love all the snow and Ice but you must be freezing" jack chuckled as he danced around in the snow.

But hiccup just whistled, and a rumbling could be heard.

"What is that?!" Jack said nervously as he saw a silhouette approach them. "This, is your present" hiccup said happily as a large white dragon approached jack.

Jack held his stick up in defence as the creature gracefully came closer, sniffing his face. "Hold your hand out, just like with toothless" Hiccup said calmly. Jack shakily did as he was told, holding his pale hand out, jumping slightly when the dragon out it's cold face up to it, allowing jack to stroke its head.

"This is a snow wraith, I trained it a while back but didn't know anyone who could ride it, yknow, because it's freezing" hiccup said as he threw a saddle at jack. "Now we can fly together" hiccup smiled.

"Oh my god thank you so much hiccup. I don't know what to call him, uhhh, frosty!" Jack smiled happily as he strapped the saddle on a little more confidently.

The dragon grumbled slightly but lowered himself for jack to climb on. Hiccup got onto toothless, and the pair took flight. They flew up high above the clouds where the snow didn't fall and the winds couldn't reach. Just silent golden bliss.

"This is magical" jack said in awe. "I know, this is my happy place, this is home" hiccup said as he stared dreamily into jack's eyes.

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