About the oc

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name: maddison banner

age: 19

nickname: maddie, pup, ison

gender: female

height: 5'10

hair color: black 

eye color: dark purple

scar: one on her left eye

accessories: a necklace with her family, a knife holder

weapons: bow and arrows, a knife

hero outfit: 

casual outfit:

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casual outfit:

casual outfit:

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power: teleportation, wolf, and ice

hero name: winterwolf

personality: kind, warm-hearted, strong-willed, brave, smart, stubborn, protective, responsible, respectful, caring, alert, calm, quiet, bold, gentle, lovable, hardworking, skillful, cold, honorable

family: bruce (older brother)

friends: bruce, clint, natasha, wanda, thor, tony, peter, pietro, loki, dr strange, bucky, steve, nick, jorden, miku, amaya, danny, dante

best friend: natasha

crush: clint

rival: peter

occupation: hero

name: pierce

age: 107

nickname: price, ierce

gender: male

height: 6'1

hair color: black

eye color: blue

scar: no arm (metal arm) 

accessories: a dog tag

weapons: two gun

hero outfit:

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