Chapter 7

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Theo was completely enthralled by her. Everything she did was for him a point of pure fascination. From the way she would delicately hold her fork or furrow her brows gently when she was attentively listening to him speak.

Everything about her was completely and utterly compelling.

After taking her coat he had lead her from the entryway down the main hallway into the spacious wooden kitchen. There the aroma of the pasta he had cooked for her was almost overpoweringly strong for his sensitive wolf senses. However, Theo paid no mind to it as he only had eyes for Fleur who took in the kitchen with big eyes.

Her mother would adore this kitchen, everything from the big cooking island to the window above the sink which looked out onto the backyard. She imagined that during the summer months the kitchen would be illuminated with warm floods of light.

Before meeting Andrew, Fleur and her mom had spent a lot of time in the tiny kitchen of their apartment in the human settlement, Sabine would cook while Fleur would read aloud to her from whichever book she would study then.

After Andrew came into the picture Fleur had opted to spend more time in her room rather than join them in the kitchen to study in peace. Regardless of how often her mother insisted on her joining it never felt the same to her with Andrew there.

"Have you had veal ragú before?" Theo's question ripped her out of her thoughts and she turned to face him. He was standing behind the island stirring the contents of the sauce pan "I made it myself – although I have a cousin who is mated to the Alpha of the Northern Italian pack who taught me how to make it during her last visit – therefore I cannot take all the credit" He added with a small smirk.

"No never" She replied quietly whilst nervously playing with the fingers of her uninjured hand. Fleur wanted to kick herself. She wanted to talk to him and ask him about himself but as soon as she opened her mouth its if her tongue lay limp in her mouth. She nervously wet her lips before continuing "It smells uhm amazing"

At her complement Theo's eyes searched for hers. His wolf was now crouching lowly, satisfied that his mate would be fed from his kill. A wolves most primal urge was to kill, provide and mate. As soon as Fleur ate from his hand it would inevitably strengthen the bond even more.

Theo gestured for Fleur to come toward him and she scurried her way over to where he was standing.

He spooned up some of the Ragú and blew on it gently without breaking eye contact with her. The last thing Theo wanted was for Fleur to burn herself on his cooking. All Fleur could focus on was his lush lips which were tantalizingly close to the spoon.

Then Theo held the spoon to her lips. Her soulful blue eyes flickered down to the spoon for a second before they held his own again. Fleur wet her lips whilst gazing up at him and slowly opened her mouth.

Theo could feel a dangerous stirring happening as blood rushed to his groin. Fleur's precious lips wrapped around the spoon and she hummed in delight as the flavors met her taste buds. All Theo could picture in that moment was her lips wrapped around him.

"Do you like it my flower?" His voice was dark and raspy as their eye contact never broke. And there it was again her delectable blush. Theo wondered whether it was just her cheeks and ears that turned pink or if he could discover other places that she could turn red.

"It's delicious – Thank you" Fleur was back to fidgeting with her fingers and Theo went on to emulsify the sauce with the pasta in order to prepare to plate the dish for them.

Her mannerisms were incredibly shy and Theo soon realized that Fleur was incredibly cautious not to upset him. When she spoke she would tread carefully as though she was afraid to speak out of line.

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