AU Chapter VII: Her circumstances

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A blonde haired girl was eating her second slice of pizza. She was eating it at a slow pace in hopes that the pizza would taste better. However, it wasn't the cook's fault nor the ingredients, but Mahiru whose mood didn't let her enjoy it.

It didn't help that the source of her bad mood was acting like nothing had happened. He was her soon to be husband and almost ex-husband, Kiyotaka was enjoying his meal unlike her. He even was on his fourth slice of pizza.

They hadn't exchanged words since he apologized and it didn't seem that Kiyotaka would say a word, hence it was up to her to address the current problem. Letting him off the hook would be a grave mistake on Mahiru's part, divorce wasn't something to play with. To make it even worse, the ease with which those words came out of Kiyotaka's mouth worried Mahiru.

"Kiyotaka we need to talk." Mahiru said bluntly.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Kiyotaka asked, unaware that he had just stepped on a landmine, however, he didn't remain clueless for long as he could see a frown forming on Mahiru's face.

"I'm sorry." Kiyotaka said apologetically.

Kiyotaka had no idea what was wrong with Mahiru nor did he know if he did something wrong or worse if he didn't do something he was supposed to do.

"Why are you apologizing, dear husband?" Mahiru said. She had been smiling but at the same time her voice had come cold and distant. "Have you done something I should know?"

'Scary.' Kiyotaka thought inwardly. "It's about what I said?" Kiyotaka replied, it was the only thing he could think about.

"Good, at least you're conscious of your words." Mahiru said calmly.

"I already said I'm sorry." Kiyotaka said tiredly. "It was supposed to be a joke."

"A bad one." Mahiru reproached.

"Yes, a bad one." Kiyotaka agreed. "I won't joke about that again, I promise."

Hearing Kiyotaka's words brought some relief to Mahiru's heart, divorce was a word she wasn't fond of.

"You better do, Kiyotaka." Mahiru said sternly. "I won't forgive you next time."

"It's fine, I have no intentions of letting you go." Kiyotaka shrugged.

"I'm being serious." Mahiru chastised. "I really dislike that word."

That word brought back bad memories for Mahiru, about how her existence was nothing but a hindrance to her parents.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Kiyotaka suggested.

Mahiru considered her soon to be husband's words, sharing her burdens to Kiyotaka seemed appealing, he had done the same so it was fair. However, as someone who got used to keeping people at an arm's length, she found it rather difficult, nevertheless that didn't mean she wouldn't try.

"Yes, but not now." Mahiru said softly. "Let's finish eating first."


Kiyotaka and Mahiru were sitting on Kiyotaka's bed, they were close enough that their shoulders were almost touching. They had been in that position for the past five minutes, busy in their own thoughts.

Mahiru was thinking on how to approach the conversation while Kiyotaka was thinking that now that he was going to be a married man he had to buy ice cream for two.

" is the relationship with your parents?" Mahiru asked.

Kiyotaka was caught off guard by the sudden question. Weren't they supposed to talk about why she hated the word divorce?

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