♡ to stay warm ♡

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"Angel of small death & the codeine scene" - Hozier

"Psst," Barty got the attention of Evan, who was not too pleased to be woken up. Seemingly having entered Evan's tent while Evan was asleep, Barty began to shake the sleep out of the tired boy's body.

"Come on, Ev, get up."

Evan whined at his exhaustingly over-excitable boyfriend and questioned why on earth he was being woken up at an ungodly hour of the morning.

After a while of Barty attempting to drag Evan out of bed, he eventually succeeded and led him towards the lake they and Regulus were camping near.

The lake itself was a pristine body of water, adorned with lush green vegetation that flourished along its banks. Tall, majestic trees stood proudly, their dark silhouettes contrasting against the shimmering starry backdrop.

The moonlight gently caressed the tranquil surface of the lake, casting an ethereal glow upon the water. The stillness of the night was only interrupted by the occasional rustle of leaves and the soft lapping of gentle waves. The moon hung low in the sky, illuminating the entire landscape in a silver hue.

"As lovely as this is, baby, did you really need to drag me out of bed for it?"

Barty was quick to correct him, "No, no, no, this isn't why we're here. I thought we could go for a romantic evening swim." Shuffling closer and raising his eyebrows, "Or maybe skinny dipping?"

Much to Barty's surprise, Evan seemed to be in high favour of the latter option.

After ridding their pyjamas, the two waded into the moonlit lake. The water embraced their bodies like a lover's touch, caressing their bare skin with a tender familiarity.

"Hmm, it's actually quite warm, isn't it?" Barty chuckled to himself; of course, Evan would be more concerned about the temperature of the water than his very naked boyfriend.

"What? I don't want to get hypothermia."

Barty just smiled at his endearing boyfriend, pulling him into his arms. "You look so cute when you're worried," murmured Barty into Evan's hair.

The two found solace in each other's embrace, surrounded by the beautiful scenery. Their bodies, entwined like vines in a secret garden, created a harmony that only two souls deeply in love could harmonize. The scenic view made the world seem suspended in time, thankfully making this blissful moment last longer.

Evan was admiring the picturesque view with his back pressed into Barty when a splash of water hit him in the face. Turning around to see Barty grinning like the devil, "Oh, you did not just splash me."

Barty shrugged, still grinning, as a mischievous glint shone in his eyes. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," he said, stepping away from Evan. Evan shook his head, a smile on his face as he watched Barty retreat.

"This is not over," teased Evan as he splashed his smug boyfriend back, wiping the grin from his face.

Barty laughed, his eyes crinkling, as he ran away from Evan. "I'll get you back!" he yelled. Evan smiled wider, shaking his head in amusement as the two ran around, splashing each other. With laughter echoing in the stillness, they ventured upon a playful dance, splashing each other with the cool embrace of the water. With every splash, the water seemed to come alive, dancing and shimmering beneath the moon's gentle gaze.

Under the watchful eye of the moon, Barty and Evan continued their playful escapade, their splashes becoming whispers of affection, their laughter a symphony of shared happiness. In the low evening light, their love blossomed, unburdened by the world, as they revelled in the magic of their intimate encounter.

The night air carried their laughter, confessions of love and whispered promises across the water's surface. A symphony of ripples danced in their wake, painting an ever-changing canvas.

As the night wore on, the moon continued its journey across the sky, gradually fading into the horizon. The lake, once bathed in silver, returned to its tranquil state, ready to embrace the new day. But its beauty in the moonlight will forever remain etched in Evan and Barty's memory, a reminder of the enchanting power of nature's embrace.

"We should probably get going," voiced Evan in a tired voice. "We don't want Reg to wake up and worry where we are," he elucidated from deep within Barty's hold.

Barty reluctantly agreed, and, releasing his grip on Evan, the two put their pyjamas back on and returned to their tents. The memories made that evening stayed perfectly preserved and treasured in the two's minds, alongside their many heartfelt moments as a trio on their simple camping trip. 

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