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"What the hell are you doing? Put my camera back in the bag!"━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"What the hell are you doing? Put my camera back in the bag!"

"Reach out and show a little loving
Shine a little light on me
Show a little loving"
- lovers ( anna of the north )



"Yeseul!" A female scream echoed through Yeseul's ears once she stepped foot inside the house.

After the heartfelt reunion that happened at the front of Niki's house, he had invited her inside for the time being so they could have a proper talk about what comes after all this. But it seemed when he had extended the invitation, he had forgotten that his family were home and that they absolutely missed his ex girlfriend. Yeseul had just stepped foot inside when a pair of arms rushed to her and hugged her so tight, she almost couldn't breathe because of it. The height of the person hugging her already gave away that it was Konon, his eldest sister, and in recognition of that, she reciprocates and hugs her also.

"Yeseul, I'm so glad you're back! We terribly missed you here!" Konon exclaims once letting go of the hug. She then turns her head and began screaming to the top of her lungs. "Mom! Come look who's back!"

While Yeseul laughed at that, she could see Niki rolling his eyes because his sister decided to recruit more people into what is supposed to be a reunion that was theirs. Their mother came running down the stairs and when she locks eyes with Yeseul, who shyly waved at her, she bursts into screams of joy and ran to the girl to also engulf her in a tight hug.

"You're finally back! It's been so long!" His mother says, still keeping Yeseul in her arms before Niki had to pry the girl away. "Oh come on, don't be so possessive of her already. We don't want her to break up with you this time."

"How can we get back together if you guys keep hogging her?" Niki frowns, crossing his arms just to further show his frustration that his mother and sister didn't seem to show any signs of letting him speak to her.

Konon scoffs. "You're gonna get back together with her anyway! Now tell us everything new about you, Yeseul. You know, everything that happened since my stupid brother broke up with you." She says, pulling the other to the couch and making her sit there before they began talking with one another.

The Deja Vu to the whole event that had unfold in a matter of three minutes was extreme. She was instantly reminded by the way she sat opposite to her parents and Niki as they bombard him with questions the same way his sister and mother were doing to her now. She does admit, it was more fun to be at the receiving end rather than the one being left to watch, much like what Niki was currently doing across her. She chuckles when their eyes met, to which he rolled his eyes at first before subtly smiling in the idea that she was enjoying herself.

"It's such a shame Sola and dad isn't around. Sola missed you too, you know? She always looks for you whenever she comes here. We wanted to contact you but we assumed it'll be inappropriate since you and my brother were still in bad terms." Konon says, making a snide glance to her brother, who caught it and immediately glared at her.

Yeseul smiles. "I missed you all too. We never got to do what we intended to do during that summer because we broke up." She says, remembering their ruined plans of going on multiple trips and shopping sprees once the summer before her college begins. "It seems like you didn't age a day, aunt! Just how do you do it?" She adds, now looking towards Niki's mother who laughed in glee at her compliment.

"Your personality haven't changed a bit, Yeseul!" His mother exclaims. "But you did get prettier. I guess breaking up with my son did have its perks."

"Well, you know what they say. Girls become prettier after a breakup." Yeseul smirks, casually looking at Niki, who seemed like agreeing was his only proper response there. "How about you, aunt? Who broke your heart that made you even more blooming like the last time we saw each other?"

His mother bursts into laughter, which somehow made Yeseul realize how much she missed her second family for the time span she and Niki spent separated. They have always been easy to love and they adored her to a level that they included her in every family activity.

Niki and Yeseul weren't able to talk that night but in a way, they somehow gained back a part of their life lost from the breakup that separated them.


"Is it really important for you to accompany me everywhere now that we're back together?" Yeseul asked the person sitting across from her at the table. She was currently at a cafe to get some work done but she had made the biggest mistake of informing Niki about it and now he is convinced that her update was actually an invitation. "You don't have to be here if you have something to do."

"I want to be here and we're not 'back together'" Niki says, sipping from the iced coffee he bought earlier all while making an air quote with his other free hand. "Plus, it's important we spend a lot of time together so we can get used to each other again. We can't have you feeling awkward around me again."

She laughed. "Ah yes, I always forget that we're 'taking things slow'." She makes air quotes as well, earning a chuckle from him. "Sweetie, is that really important? We have known each other for so long. If anything, I'm more tired of you than I am in need of getting used to you."

He frowns. "I don't know which part of that sentence broke my heart. Either you saying you're tired of me or you calling me by the same endearment you call my dog." He says, dramatically that she almost threw the croissant she was eating at him just for the theatrics.

"Wouldn't be me if I didn't know how to wound you." A cheeky smile climbs on to Yeseul's face.

Niki merely scoffed as he proceeded to sit there in silence. If Yeseul was going to be honest, a part of her did prefer that he was around her. It was the gentle reminder that she was back to a part of her life that she thought would never return to. And while they decided to take things slow and not rush into stuff, she seemed contented with the pace they were going. Scars never did heal quickly and the mind never seem to forget of what had unfolded, but she was now in a position where her past and remnants of it never bothered her anymore.

Yeseul was now just living in the present.

"What romance are you writing this time?" Niki asks.

"Why are you so quick to assume it's romance?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Because you're you." He crosses his arms in arrogance.

"For your information this is horror." She said, glaring at him but the cheeky knowing smirk on his face riled her up until she was forced to confess. "...With a romance on the side. Damn you!" She says, all too quickly.

He laughs. "I will never not know you."

She chuckled. "And I will never not be annoyed of you."

Yeseul was liking the present, because the present now had Niki.


short update !! i rlly need to finish this story for u guys

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