Chapter 13

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{Kyle POV}

I continue to follow Stan into the woods as I hold Donnie。

Where the hell is he going ! ?

Donnie is still asleep in my arms。I still need to make sure that nothing can hurt him , and there is no way that I'm going to let my guard down 。。。

As I continue to follow Stan deeper and deeper into the woods , I slowly start to see the destination of where he's heading...
This has to be it 。。。

wait 。。。

Something isn't right 。。。

And that's when Stan finally made it to his destination 。。。That I realized what this was 。。。

It wasn't the store , god no 。。。

It wasn't some camping site 。。。

It was a fucking cult 。。。

Oh my god if you have any idea how much I'm holding back just screaming at him right now 。。。
I'm literally trying so fucking hard 。。。

Why the hell is Stan in a cult--

"Hey guys ! ! It's me , ya boy ! !"
Stan then said , and then all the other cult members looked at him and started cheering。

Oh my god , he's friends with an entire cult 。。。 Of course he's friends with a fucking cult 。。。

"So, you here for the favor ?"
One of the members asked him。
"oh, yeah 。。。You know I could never turn down beer , or a good sacrifice 。。。"
Stan replied , smiling a bit。

Ok , what the hell is actually happening rn💀 。。。

When I get Stan back home , I swear to God I'm going to fucking throw his dumb ass at a wall 。。。

"So, how's the wife ?" One of the cult members asked Stan。
"Uh , wife ?" Stan replied ,
seeming a bit confused。"yeah , y'know 。。。 you have to have a wife ! I'd be pretty funny if you didn't。And , if you have a husband 。。
That would make you gay , or bi 。。。 and we don't accept those kinds of people , so we'd have to kill you 。。。"
The cult member replied。

"Oh ! Uh-- yeah ! I have a wife ! Uhm 。。。 her name is uh 。。。 her name is Kylie ! Yeah , Kylie Marsh !"
Stan replied proudly , I could tell the fucker was lying though 。。。

Is he seriously trying to describe a female version of me right now ?
Oh my god 。。。 What a fucking loser 。。。💪

"Oh ? Is she pretty ?"
The cult member asked。

"Oh yeah 。。。 She is super beautiful 。。。 She is the most finest woman alive , let me tell you that 。。。
We have a child together , it's a boy and his name is Donnie 。。。"
Stan bragged。

Jesus , tell him our personal stories while your at it 。。。

"Donnie ? Hmm , that's a cute name 。。。"
The cult member replied。
"You must really love your family , huh ?" The cult member added on 。。。

"Oh yeah , more than anything 。。。" Stan replied , sounding very sincere。


Hmm , ok 。。。Maybe I'll not hit him as much when I take him back home , that was pretty sweet of him 。。。

"Well me and THE BOYZZ🥶🥶🥶 are throwing a barbaque party because we're very American men 。。。 and , maybe you would like to bring you, your wife , and your kid with you ? Cus , we're very American men 。。。
And your one of THE BOYZZ🥶🥶🥶"
The cult member offered。

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