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    I opened my eyes to see people crowded around me.  I slowly sat up but I was pushed back down.  I could see their lips moving but all I heard was a ringing noise.  It was very loud actually. 

    "What the hell just happened?!" I heard someone say as the ringing slowly faded away.

    "I don't know!" I heard another voice.  "The cuff thing just blew up!"

    "We need to keep a closer eye on the kids," the first voice spoke.  "They could end up getting hurt worse than they did today."

    I didn't hear anything else as my vision faded back to black.


    I woke up again but this time I was in a white room.  I looked to my right and saw Tallulah, Dapper, and Leo sitting on bed.  They were all bandaged up and were talking quietly amongst themselves.  I sat up which got their attention.

    "Are you alright Chay?" Tallulah spoke. 

    What's weird was I could barely hear her.  I know she speaks quietly but never that quiet.  I tried to speak but my throat felt like it was on fire.  I looked down to see that I was covered in bandages just like the others.  Looking back at Leo and the others, they all had concerned looks on their faces.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Jaiden looking at me.

    "How are you feeling?" Jaiden asked.  She was really quiet too.

    "Fine," I managed to get out.  My throat was still on fire.

    Jaiden handed me a glass of water.  I gulped it down and my throat felt better. 

    "Do you four mind telling me what happened?" Jaiden asked more to the general group.

    "We were just trying to prove that we could actually see the people we were talking about," Dapper said.  He was as quiet as Jaiden or Tallulah but he still sounded quiet to me.

    "Why?" Jaiden asked.

    "Because no one believed us when we tried telling them," I stated. 

    I noticed that my vision had been reduced to half of what I normally see.  Jaiden asked a few more questions then left the room we were in.  I tried to get up and walk around but I fell within two steps.  Leo rushed to help me up and sat me down on the bed they were all sitting on.  A few more minutes passed before the door to the room opened again.

    Our parents walked into the room and came over to the bed we were on.  Papa held my face gently in his hands.  I noticed his eyes were red and puffy and could tell he had been crying.  Pa's eyes were the same way.  Papa looked like he was holding back tears now too.  Pa picked me up carefully and we went back to our house after they thanked Jaiden. 

    "What on Earth were you thinking Chayanne?!" Papa asked once we got home.  "Not only did your friends get badly injured but you almost died!" I could see the tears in his eyes as he spoke.

    "To be honest Phil," Pa spoke, "this wouldn't have happened if you adults had just believed the kids when they told you about their Tíos."

    "Seriously Missa?" Papa said, starting to get upset.  "Our kid is hurt and you're blaming me?!"

    "I'm not blaming anyone," Pa said calmly.  "I'm simply saying that this could have been avoided."

    "Out." Papa stated firmly.

    "Pardon?" Pa said.

    "I want you out of my house," Papa said.  I kept looking back and forth between them as they spoke.  "I will not live with someone that accuses me of hurting my son."

    "Okay," Pa said.  "But I'm taking Chayanne until you calm down.  We'll be back in the morning."

    I was crying by now.  I didn't want to hear anymore.  I was afraid they would get divorced or into a serious argument.  I ran out of the house as my parents yelled for me to come back.  I didn't look back or stop; I just ran.  My legs were killing me and my body hurt like hell but I kept running.  My tears blurred my vision as I ran and suddenly I was picked up off the ground. I thrashed around trying to get out of the person's grip.  I saw white fur as I got knocked out.


    I awoke in another white room but I was on the floor rather than a bed.  I slowly got up as my body screamed in protest.  I got into a sitting position and looked around the room.  There was nothing by white walls.  Even the floor and the roof was white.  Everything seemed to made from quartz. 

    "Good morning," I heard a distorted voice say.  I tried to find where it was coming from but I couldn't find anything.  "I apologize for how rough the method was to get you here.  I do hope you enjoy your stay though.  Welcome to the Census Bureau."

    With that a new door opened and two men entered the room.  One man had a white suit in his hands while the other had a white bear mask that looked an awful like Cucurucho.  The men kept walking toward me so I kept backing up.  I eventually hit the wall and the men cornered me.  One of the men tried to grab me but I punched him before he could.  The door opened again and two more men walked in and over to us.  The new men tried grabbing me as well.  I punched one of them but the other one pinned my arms behind my back before I could punch him as well.  I struggled to get out of his grip as the man holding the mask walked up to me.  The mask was placed on my face and felt my body go limp as my mind went numb.

980 words
The angst begins >:)  can you tell I like cliffhangers yet?  Anyway Love y'all <3

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