heart-shaped casket

9 3 1

an empty tomb of love,

desire to feel 

your warm fingers glide

across the knots that

strangle me in silence.

a wish,

the inability

to see what's

right in front of me,

blinded by the ripples

of waves that come with

my sorrow,

the tears that cascade from my eyes

polishing the rough wood

that sits heavily in my chest,

daggers engraving

dreams and hopes

into the soft wood,

the moss grows ever so slightly around the cracks,

and i wish to find the key buried among the 

cemetery of lost memories,

forbidden paths,

treacherous friendships,

i find myself strolling slowly through the


lined like picket fences on a sunny afternoon.

my grief finds me in the evergreen of summer,

in the golden hues of fall,

in the icy dews of winter,

these graves never change,

yet i wait like

i'm just a little kid,

for some form of magic to seep its way into my

mind and perform a magic trick; 

perhaps i am not imaginative enough to see,

perhaps it is all in my head.

the grass grows greener anywhere else but here

and the moon shines brighter during the midnight hours

than the sun does on a spring morning,

and i want to asks the lost souls

if they know

where the key is,

but only gentle whispers

of the wind tell me

that my fate is sealed,

and my grave is in the shape of the one thing i provided the most. 

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