part 7

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Third pov.

When our protagonist make the others a little calm lieutenant Adrien or sir Adrien came in

"Listen carefully"sir Adrien said but the student is not listening

"Right now the school is the safest place"sir Adrien stated and the student can't believe what they heard like it's some sick joke

"Safe?"a girl named rose scoffed tearing up a little

"Our homeroom teacher died,and we heard Angelo died too,you call that safe!?"rose said a tear falling down her voice quivering

Ivan in the back stiffened at the mention of Angelo's name

"Being protected doesn't mean your safe"sir Adrien rebutted

"You have to protect yourself!!"sir Adrien stated "and the school is training you for that"sir Adrien added

"You saw that we can't even handle gun! How can-!" Hanz said in the back stopping for a second before continuing

"How can we protect our self?,, so pls let us go"Hanz said his voice cracking

"We will stay put at home, then we'll be alright ,pls send us home"Janine begged in the side

"I want to go home"Janine said sobbing

"Okay, let's say you go home, but what if the spheres attack your house?"sir Adrien said

"What will you do?"sir Adrien asked and the student remained silent

"The night training will be continued as scheduled, be ready"sir Adrien stated and walk out of the room

The student can't believe their ears and various of what?,eh?gosh!!,can be heard in the room

"Darn it!!"Hanz yelled hitting the table

"Despite what the commander said,some of you must still want to go home"gilliane stated thel looked at her while she continued talking

"I think we should go together or stay together"gilliane said standing up

"I think nothing will come out of it if we don't all come to an agreement"gilliane stated looking at everyone

"You all saw it, lieutenant Adrien is right,if we come out like this we will fall prey to the spheres,I'd rather stay than die miserably outside" a boy named carl said

"Darn it!!what difference that it's make if we stay here!!?? Let's just goo!!"Hanz yelled frustrated

"Yah didn't you hear what she said?, We have to act as a team"roanne said annoyed

"Now that you think about it,all of this happened cause you didn't act as a team!!"roanne yelled at Hanz pissed

"Darn it!,yah what did you just babble up roanne!?"Hanz yelled going toward roanne

"What do you want me babble up some more!?"roanne yelled standing up facing Hanz

"Yah!!,is it time to quarell?"eszel ask behind Hanz

"What then?,what do you suggest us to do what do you want me to do!?"Hanz yelled at eszel angrily , making a punching motion but Brent stopped him

"Right,its our fault"Brent said

"Hanz you know it's our fault you know that right?"Brent asked turning to Hanz holding his shoulder,but Hanz shrugged his hands off then walk to his desk annoyed

"Guys, sorry"Brent said lowering his head

The other student just listen to their argument

"So you think it's better to stay together?"a student ask

"Let's not get to extreme, like what i said earlier ,let's hear what the other has to say"eszel said

"Hear everyone!?what for!! Let's just vote either we stay or leave"Hanz stated turning to everyone

"Okay, let's decide by hands, raise your hand if you want to leave"eszel said

All of them but Ethan raise their hands, ivan saw that and got angry,he walked toward Ethan

"Raise your hand,raise your hand!!"Ivan yelled tugging Ivan's hair

"Yah ivan stop it"Vincent yelled standing up

"Say what!?"turning to Vincent angrily

"Everyone has their reason and story!!"Vincent said

"What story?college points?is it worthy life of our friends and teacher!?"Ivan yelled

"Then why didn't you tell us about Ivan?,eszel is right if you could have told what happened to angelo we could really have avoided this!!"Vincent yelled pissed

"This again!? I told you no one cares about him"Ivan said

"How can you be so sure?, before this happened I was trying to be friends to him"Vincent said

"Why are you pissed?,now that's he's gone you can also go above rank since your quite smart"Ivan said

"Don't make this about me, you bastard"Vincent yelled about to punch him but got hold back by some people

"You all saw it, after all we've been through,nobody ask.....are you okayor how hard it must have been"rose suddenly said

"Did anybody ask that? That's who we always have been!!"rose yelled and everybody came to a realization

"When it comes to college point or csat none of us matters"gab said

"Right,they know csat is our weak spot"a girl said looking like she had given up

"Okay let's all vote again, who want to leave?"eszel said and ask

All of them but Ethan raised their has again,this time Ivan really began punching Ethan

"Raise your hand ,raise your hand you selfish bastard!!"Ivan yelled and someone pulled Ivan off Ethan

"Ethan pls raise your hand, I want to go home, I want to see mom"Janine begged crying loudly

It looks like it worked and Ethan began raising his hands


We now see eszel,gilliane and Vincent in a room with lieutenant Adrien

"The whole class agreed to go home"eszel said while handling a paper to lieutenant Adrien

Lieutenant Adrien look at the paper and look at the three of them

"It was just one"sir Adrien said,and the three looked at him in confusion

"One spheres killed a hundred of soldiers,the are is now crawling with sphere,how do you expect to go home?"sir Adrien ask them

"And even if you do go home you will find no one"sir Adrien stated

"Eh"Vincent said confused

*There has been a worldwide evacuation and by now they have arrived in a shelter"sir Adrien explained

"Really sir , you're not lying right?"gilliane ask

"Then cat you just take us there?"Vincent asked lieutenant Adrien

"Right"eszel nodded to what Vincent said

"You are currently soldier's and we are in a war,you cannot just leave like you please"sir Adrien said crumbling the papers

"You should get ready for the training"sir said and walk away

The three is left there in silent

*Ma I hope you're okay*Vincent thought

Hope you liked it and I will not name the other student just the one that's important and don't forget to give vote😆✌️

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