part 6

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Vincent pov.

I can see maam get stabbed by those things and I can't do anything but lay there

Then those things continue to run to us all and we all panicked ,I tried to stand up but can't it's like my foot got stucked in the floor

When those things is near us a soldier came in and started to shoot those things

"Go!and hide for the meantime"The soldier turned toward us and yelled but he didn't see one of those things behind ,so it's too late when he notice those things behind him And got attacked

The head of the soldier detached in his body and rolled on the ground and his blood splashed onto my face since his Infront of me

"Ah-ahhhh!!"my voice cracked when I yelled

Suddenly multiple Arms started to pull me upp and dragged me away

"Vincent!! Vincent!?hey pull yourself together!"Anna move Infront of me and held my face to look at me, I nodded and started running with them still traumatized on what happened to ma'am hazel

We run inside a building passing by many corpse when we're running Anna tripped on some corpse ,I run toward her and help her up

When we're gonna run again a corpse or so we thought held my ankle and said something

"Help me"she said having a hard time breathing, I was gonna help her when she suddenly throw up some blood which I backed away to not get blood on my face
And she collapse suddenly and behind her is one of those things

That thing roared at us and jump toward me it's little mouth open I tried to move but the hand of the now corpse girl is still in my ankle

I closed my eyes expecting a pain to come but I heard a gun shot so I open my eyes and saw Anna holding a gun pointing at me or to that things

"Come on let's go"Anna said giving me a gun ,I stared at her confused on what I'm gonna do with it

"Use it for protection beside your good at shooting ,remember the practice on the shooting range"Anna explained and started to run living me behind

"Hey!!wait upp!!"I yelled scrambling to my feet and running after her we go outside and run toward the road

While running we saw roanne and Janine trapped in a telephone shelter surrounded by those things screaming

I saw the shelter about to break so I immediately shot one of those things that is running toward it and Anna followed shooting those things

After we eliminate those things we run toward them and help them get up

"Hey, you guys okay?"I ask them and they nodded looking traumatized,I can't blame the since I'm still shocked on what's happening but decided to act tuff to survive

"Do you guys have your gun?"Anna ask them

"No I think we forgot it when we take a rest"roanne said still shaken up to what's happening

"Okay let's go back there and take back our gun and find our classmates"I said to them they nodded

"Let's go"Anna said running toward it we followed her

While walking toward where we rest earlier we encountered those things but eliminated it after some time

When we got there we saw their guns and the guns of our classmates

"Bring the other guns we maybe need them"I said and they said okay and started to collect the guns using the bag they found after their done we immediately go away toward the building and started to find the others

After some time of searching we found the others in a stairs ,some are crying specially the girls

When I climb up my friends started to ask me question like, are you okay,do you have any injuries,and other things

"I'm fine you guys ,thanks to Anna I managed to fight those things"I said complementing anna ,my friends thank Anna and we all group hugged

"What about the others are they okay"Anna ask them

"Yeah they're okay"lavinna answered

"Oh right we managed to find roanne and Janine when we're looking for you guys"I said

"Thank goodness you guys are okay too"gilliane said the others nodded

"How did you find them?"sir Adrien ask me and Anna

"We save them,we found them cornered by those things"I answered for both of us

"Good job for that, now rest were gonna go after you guys have enough  rest"sir Adrien  said

Me Anna and Janine and roanne rest on the other side

*Ivan and fritz have a lot of explaining to do*I thought to my self and drifted to sleep

Third pov.

Now the student is going back to their school looking traumatized some stumbled on their feet when they walk

When they got back to school the other student is confused on what happened to them

"What happened to them?"some student asked when they walked past them

But platoon 2 or class st elizabeth just walk past them like they don't hear anything

When they got to their classroom the quietness is so intense that it could kill a fly

"I'm going home"Hanz suddenly said standing up going to his locktet and started to take his things out

"Me too"a girl student said and copy Hanz

"Wait guys think about it for a minute what about the points for college" Ethan said the nerd of the class

"I don't care about the points! ,I care about my life!!"Ivan said

"Wait guys you have to listen to the opinion of the others too"cp eszel said gaining the attention of the student

"I don't care about the opinion of others ,I'm  going with or without you guys"Ivan said glaring at cp eszel

"Let's just have a vote"cp eszel standing up to ivan

"Let's just goo!!"Hanz yelled clearly frustrated

"Raise your hand if you want to go home"cp eszel said ignoring Hanz

All of them except Ethan raise their hand
Ivan saw that and got angry

"Yah raise your hand"Ivan said poking him on the chess hard which sent stumbling backwards,when he saw he still didn't raise his hand he started to punch him

Vincent who saw this tried to hold him back but got push down instead

"Yah!!stop it you have to respect his decision"cp eszel said

*Fuck, do you want to die here!?*Ivan said raising his voice

"Then why didn't you tell us about Angelo?,we could have prevented this if you told us sooner!!!"cp eszel said which shut up Ivan a little before speaking again

"Nobody like him"Ivan said

"What?"cp eszel asked

"Nobody liked him ,he's a loner why care for him , I bet your happy he's gone cause you're can be first in class"Ivan said to eszel

Eszel slap him hard that his face flew backwards,Ivan got angry and was gonna punch her but got stop by the other boys

"Guys stop him and just sit down and wait for sir Adrien to explain to us"Vincent said to them

They sat down continuing with the intense quietness

Hope you like it you guys thank you for reading

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