Name them

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Louis pov
I walk through the door with the basket of animals. i sat them on the bed of my room and sat beside them, criss crossed. the little kitten mewed and reached its paw out to me, but the black puppy snuffled and hit his paw down causing him to hiss at the pup. "hey you two, cool it"i said and picked up the little kitten and pup, kissing the cats and dogs head.I put them on my bed beside each other. the brown pup looked not really fazed by the action,but was trying to get out of the basket,to no avail he sat down with glassy eyes. "hey boo your okay" i soothed lifting him gently kissing his ear, and put him with the black pup. i looked at the bunny and he was already looking at me. i smiled and petted his nose gently. "i really need to name you" i whispered picking him up and putting them closer together. "come here kitten"i cooed and reached for the brown kitten. he got up and tried to walk but a second later he was sucked into my duvet. i could barely here his distress call. i looked at the black pup and he was snuffling like laughing. "hey quit it" i said to to the pup, and he stopped but when harry distressed called again, he started again. I scooped him out and put him on my lap. "imagine if you were the kitten, and he was the dog then who would be laughing"i said petting the kittens ear,hearing him rumble with a purr. i looked at the kitten and he looked back. i turned my head studying him. "you look like an h,"i stated"henry,harold"i shook my head."how 'bout harry,kitten"i said and he brightened up jumping up but he fell off my lap into the abyss of my covers. "you gotta stop doing that love"i said chuckling, picking him up on my lap again. i grabbed my spare pillow off my arm chair and put harry on it so he wouldn't go into the covers that he basically drowns in. i picked up the bunny, and looked at his sea blue eyes boring into mine.i rubbed his soft fur."your an N,"i said quieter."Niall or Neill" He bounced a little with happy eyes at Niall so thats what i named him. "Niall it is then,thumper" i said and kissed his ear. once again the black pup laughed. "your that kinda of dog aren't you, come here" i said sighing and picking up the pup. "you look like an A but im going with z" i said and he rolled his eyes at the joke, surprising me a little,but listened. "Zach or zayn maybe?"i tilted my head my head and nodded when he barked at 'zayn'. i put him down rubbing his ears. i looked at the brown pup and he shied away behind zayn. "come on, your okay"i said soothingly, lifting him to my lap."how about liam, thats a cute name for a pup"i said kissing his head feeling tingle like from harry. liam barked and licked my chin before going back to zayn. i turned to the door and i quickly went down stair to turn off the lights.But then i heard an high pitched meow.'harry', i thought running up the stairs. he was clutching the sheets,with his claws, hanging off the side. Zayn rushed getting up and went to the edge, pulling harry up by the scruff of his neck to the bed.i snapped a picture. i walked in with a smile holding the phone with a smug look. Zayn looked at me with a look and snuffled with annoyance.
"Good boy Zay"i chuckled lightly petting his head, putting harry in the middle of the bed now. Zayn trotted around the bed like a billionaire, with a smug face like he owned the place.'he's cocky',i thought.i laughed putting him on my lap with Liam. "Yes your a good boy zayn but you don't have to rub it in."i said amused, pulling him to my chest, hugging him. I continued to pet his and Liam's fur while Niall and harry fell asleep together on the pillow.i laid down on my side, and put zayn and Liam beside me, wrapping my arm around them. "Night"i whispered slowly falling asleep with the soft snores,and purrs of the animals

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