Chapter eight

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Juicelynn lay in her warm, drawn bath, her wet, light hair falling loose and dripping as the maids worked on combing it out. She hissed in irritation, casting a sharp look towards the maids as they aggressively brushed and untangled her hair.

The maids stilled, looking down in shame. Juicelynn narrowed her eyes, taking in the scene before her with annoyance.

"Don't be too aggressive on my hair!" she hissed again, this time with more impatience and irritation.

Juicelynn felt no shame in reprimanding the maids, for they were beneath her and knew their place. She stood higher than them and they should be grateful for any bit of attention she gave them.

It was that same pride and confidence she would later turn against her husband. She thought she'd have mercy for him, but after all he had done to her, she simply couldn't wait for the day she could see his whole empire crumble to the ground. She would destroy him, just as he had destroyed her. After it was all over, her reign would begin.

Juicelynn sat in her bath, her senses assaulted by the potent rose oil, the aroma wafting around her in a dense cloud. She closed her eyes.

Her newlywed husband had failed to show up on their marital night. A fact that the young woman refused to believe was unintentional. Now whenever she went, maids sneered at her, gossiping as she walked past.

It wasn't as though she had been eager for the situation either, but she had expected him to at least make an appearance. The young woman felt resentment toward him for his actions.

Juicelynn knew she had been perceived as a political bargaining chip for peace between the South and the North; but she was not a hostage, a fact that she would make painfully clear.

Juicelynn was certain that, once she had succeeded in destroying her husband's family, hers would demand an annulment. A prospect that the young woman had considered in light of her husband's actions and attitudes.

Her thoughts soon wandered, drifting to a fanciful future. One where she had abandoned her life of politics and intrigue and finally escaped. She would be far away from her current issues and obligations, and she would be free to truly pursue her own happiness.

She wondered if she would finally be content.

She shook her head. Silly girl, she told herself. You will never be happy, until the day you die.

Juicelynn got dressed by herself into one of the dresses her family had packed for her.

The dress itself wasn't heavy, instead it was a light dress.
Something all the women wore in the South.
It was a cream colored white dress that fell elegantly to the ground. Small green leaves and little golden flowers were embroidered into the dress from up and down.
At the end of the sleeves were only the golden flowers embroidered. At the shoulders and and stomach til the knees were bigger leaves sewn into. The dress had a v neck going on, showing a bit of bosom.
A piece of see through fabric was sewn in the dress, with gold branches. It truly looked like the branches were marked into her skin.
Juicelynn paired the dress with a big golden belt she wore on her waist, showing off her small waist. Underneath the dress she wore a pair of white heels.

Juicelynn's eyes settled on the open windows beside her bed, her gaze fixed upon the sight of the knights leaving alongside her new husband. Her brows narrowed, her thoughts turning to a possible opportunity hidden within her husband's office.

Careful not to be spotted, she slipped out of her bedroom and silently proceeded down the corridor towards Calix's office. The floor was deserted and it seemed to be the perfect moment to investigate.

Stepping up to the door, she peeked inside and her eyes widened as she spotted the empty room in front of her. A grin spread across her face. Perfect.

Juicelynn slowly twisted the handle of the office door, her ears perked as she slipped silently into the room. She closed the door behind her and glanced around, her eyes taking in the empty space in front of her.

Making her way to the large desk, she began to rifle through the various papers and documents scattered on the surface. Her eyes skimmed over the pages, her brows furrowing as they landed on the mention of a newly declared saint that had been discovered in the East.
Nothing suspicious about Calix or his knights.

Juicelynn's heart beat fast, she continued to pour over the rest of the documents in search of anything suspicious.

Juicelynn heard footsteps outside of the office door and her heart froze just as it had upon reading the damning document in her hand.

Her breath caught in her chest as she heard multiple new voices. Her eyes remained trained on the door, her fingers trembling.
She heard the murmur of voices just outside the door coming closer and she looked around her frantically, searching for a place to hide. Her eyes widened as she spotted the desk. Without thinking, she raced beneath the table.

She tried to keep her breaths shallow as her heart thundered in her chest, her eyes fixated on the office door. She prayed to the gods that they hadn't seen her slip into the room.

A second later, the office door creaked open and Juicelynn flinched.

Juicelynn held her breath, praying silently that they would leave soon. She bit her lip and willed herself to be as small and silent as possible.

However, the footsteps didn't depart and the silence hung heavy in the room like a cloak of fear. She felt eyes watching her from all directions, even while hidden under the desk.

Did they know she was there hiding?

Juicelynn jumped as the chair moved back, stifling a scream and clasping a hand over her mouth.

The long legs of Calix straddled the chair, his proximity immediately making her heart rate skyrocket. Juicelynn remained prone and flat against the wall of the desk, trying to remain as small and silent as possible.

Why is it so eerily quiet? The young woman asked herself. She stifled a yawn. Maybe they were waiting on her to give up first.

The sound of papers being moved around filled the room.

"Pack lightly, we're going to visit the East," Calix ordered his knights.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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