Dinner With The Family

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Demi's POV

D.J. and Maddie go out to jump on our trampoline and I stay inside, watching some crime show and wait for mom, dad, and Dal to come home. I'm about to solve the crime, and my parents and Dallas come in very loudly ruining my train of thought. "Demi, where are your little sisters?" dad asked. "Mom. Dad. You have to be strong when I tell you this. I ate them." My acting skills are very useful at times like this. I was acting very serious. My mom and Dal started cracking up, but dad he was....just very confused. "Dems, go tell your sisters we are going out for fancy foods." "Ok, mom." I say quickly and go out back to where my sisters are jumping. I say "Hey! Girls, mom, dad, and Dallas are here and we are going out to eat at a fancy place." "Okay, Dems." They say and D.J. salutes like a weirdo and Maddie and I laugh hard, almost to crying point. I go change into a black dress that goes to my knees, white high heels, light make up, I brush my hair, and some jewelry.

D.J.'s POV

I run inside and go to get dressed. Then I realized, I have no dress clothes. I didn't ever think I would need them. I go over to Maddie's room and knock. She answered with a "Come in!" I walked in causally saying "Hey do you have any dresses?" "Duh. Why? Don't you have any?" She asks. "No." I confess. "It's fine, D. I've got some of Demi and Dal's hand-me-downs. If this stuff is too small, go to Demi. To big, me." Mads says cheering me up kind of. "Thanks Mads." I say thankful to have a younger sister. Maddie and I go threw the clothes and I see one that looks very pretty. It's red shorter in front and longer in the back. I look at Maddie and say "I think I can make this dress work. Do you have any white heels?" "Yup. What size?" "8's?" "Sorry, but Demi is an 8 go take some of her stuff." "Okay." I walk out and knock on Demi's door. She opens it up and I ask "Can I borrow a pair of shoes?" "'Course kid! What size do you need?" We walk over to her closet that is about half shoes. "8's please." "Hey, that's my size! Are you trying to take my stuff?" "Maybe." I said guilty and laughing. "Okay, lets narrow down the choices. Hand over the dress please." I give it to her and she looks at it thinking. "I gave this to Maddie." "I'm borrowing it." I tell her. "Oh...Okay. I'd say a pair of white heels and a nice necklace." We walk over to her shoes and she picks out a pair I like. "Your good." I say shocked and continue saying "and can you get Joy ready too. Please." She walked out of the room while saying "Sure, I can." I have the perfect necklace. I walk back to my room and get dressed. I put make up on my face and put my hair into a nice braid. I walk out to find my family waiting for me. Once I'm down their, Joy reaches out for me from Demi's arms. I take her from Demi and we walk out the door. Dad locks up the house and we all pile into mom and dad's car. The ride there was fun. We talked the whole way there! When we got to Olive Garden, there were these men trying to get pictures of us. They were yelling stuff like "Demi! Who's the girl!" "Is the baby your kid!" "Do you have more sisters?" Demi grabbed my hand and pulled me into her and I pulled Joy into me. When we walked in, I felt my neck wet. Joy was crying and it still wasn't stopped. I calmed her enough to the point where she wasn't crying. Demi still holding me, and me holding Joy. "Dems, you did a great job on Joy. She looks beautiful!" "Thanks, D." We had a table all the way in the back of the restaurant. Demi and I sat next to each other, I sat on the end next to Joy, Maddie across from me, dad was on the other side of Demi, mom across from dad, and Dallas was across from Demi. I feel bad for dad. He's the only boy out of six girls. Demi and Maddie start a conversation with me. Demi said "D.J., You know how I have songs on the radio?" I nod "Well those men out there" Demi points to the outside. "are paid to take pictures of me and other famous people." "That's sick. Why can't they get real jobs?" They both shrug. Joy starts to cry again. So, I pick her up and set her on my lap. "Joy, baby girl, what's wrong?" She starts to smell. Shit. "Mom, I'm gonna take Joy to get changed." "Baby girl, it's fine if I take her." "Okay. Thanks mom." She gets up and takes Joy to the bathroom. We talk for awhile more and our waiter comes to take our orders. Mom, dad, Dallas, Maddie, Demi, and I all ordered the same thing and it was hilarious when we did. We all said "I'll have what she is having". Only mom said "I'll have what he's having." We are weird. I ordered some mac and cheese for Joy. He leaves and we start talking again until our food arrived. We ate it and left. Dad gave me a jacket to put over Joy and we walked out Demi once again pulled me into her and we went home.


Hey guys! I'm slowly running out of ideas so comment what else I could do for either of my stories. BTW this is a double feature story. It's two for the price of one! LOL

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Have a perfect day Warriors!


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