Chapter 1: A Figure In the Cold

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Present Day...

It was a beautiful morning in Pixie Hollow. The sun was shining, the birds were singing their cheery songs from the treetops, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. For once, everything seemed to be perfect in the world.

And Tinker Bell absolutely hated it.

It was one of those days; the kind when everything went just right and nothing was broken or in need of drastic last-minute repair; the kind of day that every fairy talent wished for. Every talent, that is, except for hers. Tinkers were naturally antsy when there was nothing to poke, prod, or just straight rebuild from the ground up, but today seemed to be the worst. For what else was a tinker supposed to do on a shiny, happy spring morning when there was nothing to be repaired? Fairy Mary seemed to be the only tinker-talent really appreciating the day off. Most of the others hadn't had any idea what they were supposed to do with their free time. Some had begun a game of fairy tag in Springtime Square while others, like Tink, had decided just to go for a pleasant stroll through Pixie Hollow.

This is nice, she thought to herself, folding her arms and gazing skywards without so much as a care on her mind. No dangerous stunts. No Neverbeasts rampaging—or saving—Neverland. Maybe it'll be nice to have a bit of peace for once.

Hollow knew it had been quite a while since their last spell of that.

She paused near Havendish Stream as her gaze was continuously drawn toward the heavens. She frowned, noticing how large the moon was compared to typical standards. There it hung, alongside the sun, its glow nearly overpowering the daylight. It had been this way ever since the harvest festival—nearly four days prior. It was a phenomenon that couldn't be explained. No one understood it—not even the fairy talent whose job it was to know (and believe her, she had asked). She'd heard rumors that even Queen Clarion was paying unusually close attention to it. Whatever it is, it must be pretty important if the Queen is concerned. Tink had gone to the Book Nook hoping to find something to help decipher it but had been unsuccessful. Either someone else had beaten her to it or no one had ever seen something like this before.

It doesn't matter, she told herself sharply, cutting off any further conversations with herself. She was determined not to stick her nose into another mystery or join any more of her friends' escapades until she'd recovered from the last one. Besides, she'd promised Queen Clarion she'd start being more careful.

Funny how the Queen seemed to think she wasn't.

Pixie dust rained down on her head and she snapped out of her own thoughts, glancing back over her shoulder and spotting a familiar black-haired fairy zipping towards a cluster of large flowers. Late bloomers, she supposed. "Vidia!" she called, waving after her friend.

The fast-flying talent gave her a small wave before putting on a burst of speed and disappearing into the trees.

Tink took a deep breath, turning and readying herself to continue her walk. There were so many things she could do on her day off. She could watch the water-talents practice for the upcoming talents-show, or go join the fairies for their competitive games, or she could go see her sister. had been a while since she'd seen Periwinkle. Ever since Gruff, the Winter Woods had been in a state of repair. Maybe she could be of some help there.

Right. That's what I'll do then! Plus, maybe they'll know something more about that crazy moon...Dewey seems like the kind of guy who would know what it's all about.

The walk through the Autumn Woods was a pleasant one. She waved to Fawn as the animal-talent herded a bunch of baby bunnies towards their burrow and passed Iridessa as the light-talents practiced bending light in the meadows.

War of Talents | A TINKERBELL FANFICTION (2023 Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now