Chapter 0: Legends and Lore

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The stars were lined with tears. The full moon was shrouded by thick black clouds which stretched and grew like a ravenous beast with jaws gaping to envelope the entire Hollow. Even the wind seemed to whisper one word: failure.

A lone fairy stood amid a ring of fire and ruin, overlooking a valley veiled in smoke. The world was burning, cinders blowing to the heavens, and ashes raining to the earth like snow. He watched the flames encompass the withered foliage within the four seasons, the eternal glow of Neverland's heart forever extinguished.

And he smiled.

It was a fitting end to such a cruel and unaccepting kingdom. They had burned him, betrayed him, hated him-and now, they were going to burn as well.

He felt no remorse. They hadn't wanted him. They'd been afraid of him. Now he would give them a reason to fear him-to be truly afraid of his talents. Far too long they had seen themselves greater than he. But even the mightiest had to fall for the real victors to have their moments to shine.

His moment had finally arrived.

He could see the tongues of fire lapping greedily in the sky, but he did not care. All of fairydom had to pay for making him this way-for cursing him. They could watch their precious world fall apart around them and know that they had brought it upon themselves.

They deserved it.

He turned away and began back down the side of the hill, turning his back one last time on the valley he'd once called home, fully intending to keep walking and never look back. He had nothing left there anyway. No one would miss him if he left now. He was alone.

That was all he had ever wanted in the first place.

So why could he hear his name above the havoc?

And yet a better question, who would be stupid enough to follow him here, now?

He stopped as a second fairy charged up behind him, her wings fluttering uselessly behind her and her breaths short and ragged as she hopped along the now barren landscape. "Stop!" she screamed. She was covered in soot from head to toe and had somehow managed to survive the explosions, but nothing could hide the glint of anger and outrage in her once-innocent eyes. "What have you done?"

"What I had to," he spat. "I should have been respected for what I could do, not cast aside because a few pitiful fairies were afraid of real magic! And if you think I care who I hurt, if you think you can persuade me to stop, to feel remorse, think again. I don't need you...or anyone else...telling me what to do!"

Not now. Never again.

"I don't believe that!" she fired back. She took a step toward him, holding out her hands desperately. "And neither do our friends! Shade, please don't do thi-"

"Stay away from me!" he hissed, raising a hand in front of his face, shielding him from all her sheer goodness and mercy and friendship. It was all worthless anyway. Meaningless babble that no one cared to hear.

They were all lies. That was all they ever were.

She hesitated.

"You know nothing about me!" he snarled, seeing her pause.

"Enlighten me, then!" she cried. "What are you doing this all for? Revenge? To get even? To finally prove that you're more powerful than them? What happened to taking the high road? To forgiving?"

War of Talents | A TINKERBELL FANFICTION (2023 Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now