The Date...Part 1

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(Coach Duong POV)

I checked the time and it's 3 o clock so I start to get ready. I take a shower, as I'm in the shower I keep thinking of how much fun I will have with the lad.

I get out of the shower, dry myself and then put on a nice pair of jeans and a nice shirt with a bowtie. I choose a pair of sneakers then go to the kitchen to go find my car keys. I head out to the garage and go into my car and start driving away.

(Cockulus Cheeks POV)

I check the time and it is 3 o clock. I want to make this date extra special so I go to Albertsons to get a gift bag.

It has flowers, candy, face masks, and other goodies. I buy it and head home to get ready. I change into sweats, and the "I ❤️ Hot Men" shirt. I add my Crocs and it's time to meet up.

As I'm driving to the fair, I can't stop thinking about Coach Duong. He's on my mind constantly.

(3rd person POV)

Cockulus arrives first at the fair with his gift. He waits a few minutes at the entrance until coach Duong shows up.

Coach Duong walks up to cockulus and says "Hey cockulus *winks* I hope you weren't waiting for too long." cockulus replies back "Oh hey coach Duong *bites lips and looks him up and down* oh I wasn't waiting that long, I arrived a few minutes ago."

They start walking inside and there in the line waiting to get tickets when cockulus says "I got this for you daddy😉💗"

Coach Duong looks shocked as he takes the gift into his hands, "Wow thank you so much cockulus I wasn't expecting this, If I knew you would bring me something I would've brought you something too. I'll pay for your wristband though."

Cockulus replies to Coach Duong saying "oh no thats okay, I just wanted this to be special." Coach Duong says "this date is already special to me." After Coach Duong said that it was their turn in line. Coach Duong ended up convincing Cockulus to let him buy his wristband.

They walked in and we're excited to ride all the rides😉🍆.

To Be continued...

Coach Duong x Cockulus= Moses Chong😍😍😍Where stories live. Discover now