Chapter 7 - The blood-bonding ceremony

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In all honesty, I was scared as sh!t.

There you go. Nothing could prepare me for what was going on, I didn't even know what was going on. There was a constant murmur in the air, which definitely wasn't helping to relieve the tension. I am definitely going to kill the girls for this, they could have at least warned me about this ceremony thing.

Damion, was once again stony faced, with a distant and cold look in his eyes, completely opposite to the warm and caring ones he had under the gazebo. After our little moment under the beautiful wooden structure in the palace gardens, Damion brought me back to the ballroom, as soon as we entered, everybody started staring at us. It was kinda creepy actually.

Arthur and Leila were both waiting up on the stage, with a another woman, all of which were smiling broadly at me. I returned their smiles, but still felt a an urge of restlessness, in the pit of my stomach.

Slowly, I climbed my way to the marvelous structure they called a stage. The music playing in the back ground subtly faded away, and the tinkering of a spoon hitting the smooth surface of a wine glass cut through the air, effectively silencing the crowd, and drawing their attention towards us.

"The time has come!" Arthur's gruff voice boomed. "The moon has finally come into position, my dear brothers and sisters. Today we celebrate the wedding of my beloved son, and his new - beautiful - bride."

It was hard not to blush when Arthur said that, especially since I felt Damion slowly press his front into my back, hugging me from behind. He rested his chin on the top of my head, I held back a sigh, when I felt a wave of relaxation overcome my body. A rush of 'aww's' came from the crowd, I even heard Leila sigh dreamily beside me.

"Today, marks the making of new royal." said the other woman. "My new daughter-in-law. As part of our ritual, we must bond her by both marriage and blood, so she can embrace her royal persona."

So she's Damion's mother, I can see where that comes in they both have the same eyes. But what did they mean by bonding me in blood?

"Damion?" I whispered.


"What do they mean by bonding me in blood, and embracing my royal persona?"

He hesitated slightly, I saw Arthur briefly nod out of the corner of my eye. "By bonding our blood to you, it allows your soul to open up, and embed your body, with a gift, only royals have gifts, but since you're my... wife. You can access it too but with a little help from our blood, and the moon. This process wouldn't work on an ordinary vampire, or any other being. 

"It also helps you, me and my family to connect to each other, like mind-linking-"

"Whoa-wait wait wait!" my eyes widened. "Do mean, like speaking to each other in our minds? Anywhere and every where?"

"Yes, that's what I mean when I say 'mind-linking', yes we can practically contact each other at whatever distance we are from each other, but that depends on the circumstances."

"What circumstances?"

"Life threatening circumstances."

"Oh. So like, holy water, garlic, stabbed in the heart by stakes?"

Damion chuckled. "No. Garlic, holy water, that stuff is just a load of bull created by the humans during the dark era. It was their way of thinking they have a chance against us, rather than having to cope with the fact that they actually have no chance."

"What about the stakes?"

Damion sighed, "You really do like to ask questions don't you?"

"Just answer the question!" I snapped, uneasily.

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