Letting Go & Whatever the Future Brings

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Trigger Warnings: Emotional, Grief, Minor Violence, Letting Go of Pent Up Emotions, Deep Conversations, Minor Swearing

Matt lets go of his baggage and talks to his brothers

The Story:


They all woke up relatively early the next morning, taking the chance to eat breakfast together. They were just quietly eating their food, enjoying each other's company, when Chris suddenly spoke up, "Oh, don't make any plans for tonight, I wanna try something and need both of you with me".

"Uh, okay? Do we get to know what we're signing up for before we agree?", Matt asked sceptically.

"Nope, it's a surprise", Chris replied, grinning widely.

"Umm, suree. That doesn't sound ominous at all", Nick said sarcastically.

Matt just rolled his eyes and smiled. A little positive suspense every now and again didn't hurt, he supposed.

The day passed normally, each of them doing their own thing and keeping to themselves for the most part. Chris left the house at some point, but came back in time for a late lunch, which they also ate together.

It was already late afternoon, when Chris finally barged into Nick's room, where both him and Matt were looking over the final edit of their latest video.

"Heeyy bitches, get ready, it's time to go, go, go!", Chris yelled excitedly. He skipped to where his brothers were sitting and flung an arm around each of their shoulders, grinning.

"Calm down kid, you're waaay too excited", Nick pretended to complain, though he was honestly as happy and excited as Chris was.

"You're acting like you straight up inhaled powdered Pepsi, bro", Matt was looking at Chris, laughing.

They joked around as they got dressed and left soon after that.

"Do I get to know the destination now? Since I'm the one driving?", Matt asked.

"Nope, we don't need the car, we're walking. You'll see soon enough anyway", Chris responded.

"As long as you remembered we need to walk back as well...", Nick sighed, but followed Chris's lead.

They were only walking for around fifteen minutes when Matt figured out they were without a doubt going towards the park. He started getting anxious, not knowing what Chris could possibly have planned.

"Chris?", he asked nervously, wanting an explanation, as the park came into view.

"Shh, just trust me. You'll like it, I promise", Chris smiled at Matt reassuringly.

Nick was getting a bit sceptical as well, but figured Chris knew what he was doing.

They walked through the park, onto the path and through the woods, until finally arriving outside the abandoned factory. It was still light out, but there wasn't that much time left before the sun would start to set.

"Why did you bring us here Chris?", Matt asked, feeling a bit strange. He hasn't been here in months now, and was only ever here with Rue, he felt kind of out exposed with his brothers here.

"I needed a large and remote space where no one would bother us for this plan to work. Plus this place is important to you so it'll probably work even better", he answered vaguely.

"You've been here before?", Nick asked, a bit confused and wary himself. He thought Chris would tell him things like that...

"Just once, earlier today. I needed to scout the location and prepare what we needed", he explained, putting the others' mind at ease. 

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