Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do?  Why events unfold so fast it's like you're pressing fast-forward but all you want to do is hit pause and rewind?  But you can't because life doesn't work that way, if it did everyone would change a lot about their life and then no one would live their life like intended.  You wouldn't have the experiences you need, you wouldn't have the memories you cherish.  Star knew that better than anyone, and she hated the timing but knew she had to do what she had to do to save her career and her band.  The rumours of their romance-which was completely nonexistent-were bad enough but Star was finally fed up with how much he had changed, Jason didn't seem to give a shit any more.  All the fame had gone to his head, no his was just a jerk.  He never came to rehersal he was always late and never did anything.  She was tired of relying on him when he never came through for her.  She had already talked to her other bandmates and three of them agreed he needed to go.  Josh and Benny sat in the two beanbag chair sitting next to one another in the recording studio in Star's family home basement, while she leaned back on the stool in front of her favorite vintage microphone as the waited for Jason to arrive.    The air was tense as they held their breath his footsteps growing closer, as the sound of him pounding down the stairs got louder.  

"What's up gorgeous."Jason says twirling his car keys around his fingers before throwing them into the air and catching them, Star rolls her eyes and motions for him to sit.  She called emergency band meeting, and he acts like she called to hang out.  Would he act differently if he knew what she called the meeting for.  

'Probably not.'She sighs and tries not think about what she has to do.  Her kicking him out of the band could not come at a worse time.  That means she has two months to find a drummer, become good friends with him, trust him enough to write music with him, and be able to go on tour with him.   That's a lot to put on a eighteen almost nineteen year old's shoulders, there's a reason a lot of great musicians don't make it and show-biz and that's because they're too sweet and they have no bite.  You have to be tough in Hollywood, you have to know what you want and how to get it no matter who or what stands in your way.  

"Jason we're kicking you out of the band."Star says blankly her face and body portraying no emotion on the outside.  But if she were telling the truth it was killing her.  Every word of that seven word sentence felt like a novacaine filled suringe making her mouth sting in a dry ache.  It hurt her heart squeezing it in agony as her voice caught in her throat as it constricted and stomach floated to her feet plunging down her body like a cannon ball.  She fought to keep her eyes dry and it almost made her pass out by holding her breath.  She knew if she let it go she would break down and emotion would flow out of her.  But Jason isn't the same she used to know when they first formed Roses Bleeding.  No he was just another sadistic vulture feeding on the vulnerability of anyone and everyone to get there way.  She knew he would use their friendship and long history against her, if he saw her cry.  Before they became a band Jason and Star were the perfect couple, but then fame ripped them apart.  Hollywood ruined two more innocent hearts and turned them into numb emotionless rockstars like they had done to so many young stars.  

"Fine, but don't be surprrised when this band crumbles without a drummer you can't replace me Star.  You couldn't replace me as your boyfriend you sure as hell can't replace me as your drummer."He said icily knowing it would hurt her, his words caused a single tear to fall out of the corner from her eye as she crumbled inside.   He was right.  She held onto him, the memory of their high school romance.  The way he kissed her, his promise to always be with her, their first time, the way he held her.  Everything, the innocent memories and how quickly the spotlight snatched it away.  She could never understand how her parents did it.  The hardest test love can go through is the stress of Hollywood, with all the lies, time apart, and rumours the media spreads.  You have to completely trust that person, you have to know they're worth it, and the strength of your relationship has to be unbreakable, your belief in love and your belief in faith has to be just as strong.   As much as it hurt her Star knew they would have never survived even without the media.  He never let her say another word, he just left.  

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