A Sick Dream

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One being a feeling where he always wanted to be loved and the other was, always wanting to be alone, in fear of losing someone he loved once again.


hey you still sick?

sick of you? yes. 
give me 10-16 business days to recover.

that's like a month!

you're right that wont be long enough.

Naruto put his phone away with a sigh. They haven't been able to see each other since their argument. They haven't even fought at school, maybe Naruto crossed more than a line that day. After what Kakashi sensei had told him, he's never felt so guilty about the way he treated the Uchiha before. Ever.

He wanted to make it up to him. Though it would bruise his ego a bit, he thought it was the least he could do.

Before he went over to his house, he went to the nearest store to buy some medicine and soup for him. He knew he had no one to be there for him when he was sick. So he wanted to be there for him.

It was pretty ironic but Naruto of all people understood him the most even though they hated each other. Though they haven't realized it yet, it was true. The blond knew what it felt like to be alone. When he was sick, he would have his grandfather, Jiraya, by his side to keep him company. Now that he's grown up, he doesn't come over quite often since he was older.

When Naruto finally got to Sasuke's house, he saw a paper taped onto the front door with big black words written on it.

'Whoever you are, go away.'

He chuckled and got something out of his pocket to pick the lock since he knew if he knocked, Sasuke wasn't gonna answer the door.

From upstairs, Sasuke's breath hitched from hearing the door creak open. He froze trying not to make any sounds and listen to what was going on downstairs.

He had definitely heard footsteps. His hand clutched at his blankets tightly as the memories replayed in his head on what had happened that night. He felt too weak to move, his fever had really taken a toll on him. When he heard the foot steps coming up the stairs, his eyes started to tear up a bit with fear as he slowly sat up using the little energy he had.

Naruto entered his room with a bag and saw Sasuke visibly relax as he gave out a shaky breath.

"You idiot!" his voice sounded a little shaky, "you couldn't have knocked?! or at least told me it was you that came inside??" His voice sounded a bit raspy since he was sick.

"I'm sorry jeez, I just thought there wouldn't be a point when I read that sign on your door."

"If you read the sign then why are you here?" He glared.

Naruto lifted the bag in his right hand. "I brought you some stuff for your cold."

"Fever." Sasuke corrected.

"Oh. Well I'm sure this stuff still works the same." Naruto mumbled.

"No I'm fine, get lost."

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