chapter 69 family Secret

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Meanwhile in  storybrooke forest, Jason and Gabriel were training, keep your guard up, and keep A good grip on. Your sword, Did my mother, use weapons to fight,? The knight rolled his eyes it's just people have said that she was Always using her magic rather than A sword with the Exception of using her hands to uh you. Know, RIP People's hearts out. Finished Jason
Some people,
but mostly her " enemies replied Gabriel As he
Jumped When, Jason lunged for him" I've seen the original Red use A weapon, so she wasn't lazy,
Replied Gabriel As he blocked the demon's Attack

When Cora used A weapon, it was when she was pregnant with you. Gabriel was excited really it. was the dagger of the green knight, Sir Rowan, held her captive, and? Asked Gabriel eagerly She stabbed him just above his Manhood, ew Les Attacking more fighting , slow fighting helps you get the element of surprise. OH really Jason tournd Around As quickly as he heard Regina's voice and found she wasn't there,
Ha ha ha Gabriel laughed Gabriel Cor what's going on you two? Zelena interrupted them,

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