Chapter ✩~2

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The straw hats had walked through the village to the end of the street in the east where there was a whole burned block like the crazy old man told them from the alley earlier. After the last burned crispy house on the street, the forest started what the fog covered. A faint rarely used path was the only route that led there, so they decided to follow it in the hope it would lead them even a bit closer to the witch if the route did even last that long. The burned house, standing alone far from other houses, started to freak out Usopp and Nami who speculated what was the cause of the burn, the witch being once again mentioned.

"What do you think happened to that house?" Nami asked from the group generally, shivers running down her spine while looking at the creepy house and then the eerie mist around it.

"Didn't those men mention that the witch was an arsonist?" Usopp recalled, laughing nervously along with Nami to dismiss what he just said, so it wouldn't be the truth.

"Oh true, they did say that," Sanji said thoughtfully, his demeanor staying cool while the two were shaking next to him from his confirmation. "But you can always trust in a graceful woman's words, so it must be true that the witch isn't bad," he tried to reassure his dear Nami-swan he had triggered.

"I don't know about that, one's words against three," Zoro grunted, looking at the burned house next to the forest and then the other houses on the street with raised brows and a frown on his face.

"Let's go already!" Luffy yelled up ahead, his head only seen from the fog he had run to. The crew looked at their captain puzzled, wondering when he had gotten so far from them. "It's fun here!"

"Fun?! How is going into mysterious fog fun, there could be anything!" Usopp cried petrified, not seeing what the captain was so excited about. Zoro and then Sanji followed the straw-hatted boy into the foggy forest, Nami resistantly following.

"Come on Usopp," Zoro called to the dark-skinned male from the mist that had already absorbed the greenet.

"Nami-swan don't worry, I will protect you from anything we run into~" Sanji confidently stated to Nami behind him while he walked ahead ready to protect her from any dangers the creepy forest possessed.

"Let's just hurry, so we can get out of here someday in one piece," Nami said, rubbing her arms, feeling chilly and tense from the weird atmosphere in the mist.

"Usopp! There are huge beetles and spiders here!" The captain yelled somewhere from the fog, making the long-nose waggle at his place in front of the spooky fog in anticipation.

Sighing, Usopp let the fog win, knowing he would regret this later, but taking a step into the haze and letting it surround him and weaken his sense of sight. "Oh they are really big! I haven't seen this species before!" Usopp exclaimed with amazement while Nami and now Sanji in turn were screeching once seeing the big insects on the trunk of the trees.

"Usopp stop petting that creature and throw it away!!" Nami screeched to Usopp who had picked a spider in his hand. She hid behind a tree with Sanji, peeking behind the tree Usopp with pale faces.

"Yeah get rid of that thing, it may be venomous!" Sanji yelled, agreeing with what Nami already said.

"Usopp, give me one too!" Luffy tittered eager to get crawler on his own hands as well. "I want one!"

"No this cutie is mine," Usopp denied, turning away from his captain and continuing stroking the huge spider under its hairy chin. Meanwhile, Zoro was mercilessly cutting half the spiders that tried to jump on him. "Zoro! No stop, they are harmless only if you don't make them angry!" Usopp screamed at the mosshead worriedly.

"Wow, there are more of them up there!" Luffy pointed out the spiders that had shown up and were currently watching them, mainly Zoro whose feet there were chopped spiders.

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