Embircus Ecco Maxius

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From where she floated in open space; she could see a small yellow star in the distance and Cred. Parts of his armour chaffed the space nearby. Gripping his body she pulled him close.

Left side to his face plate had been clipped with liquid flecks of his own suit. A portion of his left cheek had been exposed to space. The frequency of the energy blast matched with that of Ember.

"Cred!" She broadcasted.
His body moved slightly as she shook his weightless body. Rolling him onto his back she faced his helmet to hers.

The Star of Thorium which she spotted early; burned behind their outlines. Mia could not help her. She didnt really know what to do other than to react to the situation.

Interfacing with the back of the disabled hunter, she was able to access his main core functions. His body and mind were in suspended animation due to the damage to his Aagis Armour. Digging further; she accessed his bio core.

She hesitated as she realized he had been syphoned of his viral form of the plague. The particle was intact; depleted, but very much intact. She murmured to herself "If its not here where did it go?'
"I took it, child." A voice invaded her nural link.
"You infected his cells then took them from from him?" A silence grew longer by the second. She asked whom she assumed was the voice of Ember. But eventually she heard a cold reply.
"I did, you seemed partial to this one." Tilting her head to the side she replied.
"This one?" Zephyr held a tone of hurt.
"This one, was special." She said guarding her fortress around her emotions.

The Sun of Thorium flickered it seemed like as a figure approached. Ember rested her eyes on Zephyr for the first time since she was little.

"Hello I.... Am... your mother." She said with a heavy reveal. "I'm aware." She responded in a monotone. "Why did you kill him?" She glanced at his body.
"He's not dead, and I didnt kill him." Zephyr stared blankly back.
"Well, no but you didnt leave much left either so I guess you can choose later."

"I could not leave behind a DEFECTIVE Partical that creates its own source. In its defective state it only demands more and more power. More atomic mass- until. They become a star..." she became quite and what could be seen as emotional.

"Is that what happened to the other prototypes like you?"

Ember watched through her visor the star of thorium burn. "Yeah... you could say that. The ones that got as far as me. She shook her head; "Yeah, No-" she excused her actions and turned slighly.

"So your done with him now?" Her words were colder than the vacume of space. Ember feeling perhaps a little somewhat responsible imagined Zypher meant those words exactly as they burned into her mind and heart.

Floating closer to Zephyr Ember Removed the reflective visor that protected her burning orange eyes. "You dont know what you are talking about child of mine."

"Every time you show up people die. There isn't anything else to know about you." Embers widen her eyes and nodded in agreement; "Now that you got the concept; lets put these thoughts in action. 'I'm sorry about your father; he won't blow up in a supernova now." She turns and applied thrust and began to leave.

"You know;" Zephyr broadcasted, "I've dreamed of seeing you meeting you and even someday being loved by you. But now; now that i have done that-" She held her breathe and spoke the words that she felt meant the end of a lot of hopes she had carried for years. "I hope Im nothing like you." Ember seemed all but unfazed by what she said.

For only a moment the two of them frozen in space looking at eachother. Nodding slowly Ember reengaged her reflective visor. Turing her head towards the sun she took one last look and flew out of the system.

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