chapter 4: .....Shini-chan? 🥀

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*Timeskip, 5 months later*
*Aug 14  2003*
* Somewhere close to midnight? *

So many things happened the past 5 months that it was too hard to explain or even fathom, but to put it into a few words, you were now apart of a gang that Baji suggested they should create, for the reason being that Kazutora had some unpleasant affairs with the 9th generation Black Dragon.

After coming out victorious, with your help of course, they decided to choose the roles of the gang.

Status bar °•*°•*                                                    
Tokyo Manji Gang's Positions •°*•✧

↓.Sano Manjiro: Commander of Toman ✯ 

↓.Ryuguji Ken: Vice  Commander ✯

↓.Baji Keisuke: Attack unit ★

↓.Takashi Mitsuya: Male Guard  ★

↓.Pah chin: Flag bearer  ★           

↓.  Kazutora Hanemiya: Attack unit  ☆   

↓. Y/n Tanaka:  Female Guard☆      
Being a Female Guard.......was quite awesome from your perspective, the only thing awesome about it is that you get to hangout with Mitsuya a lot!

He is a nice guy, quite chill but can throw some serious hands. His little sisters, Luna and Mana are quite cute, but a lil troublesome.

Everything was all perfect and awesome until one dreadful night came.

*S.S Motors*
*Shinichiro's room*

Today you begged your dad to have a sleepover with Shinichiro and it took little to nothing for convincing him, since he trusts that her daughter will be safe in the hands of Shinichiro.

Now you were in your PJs, checking the time seeing that it was atleast an hour away before midnight. You and Shinichiro were laughing and talking about deep stuff while munching on a few snacks as he turned on the mini TV on, watching a little comedy movie.

Soon the movie ended and Shinichiro saw you asleep on his shoulder, soft breaths escaping your lips as you slept peacefully on his shoulder.

Shinichiro smiled and stood up, while cupping your body in his arms as he got off the mini sofa, walking towards his bed and layed you down.

"Hmmm dorayaki~ so soft, so sweet~"
You slurred out, feeling something comfy and fluffy under your body. You unconsciously turned your body around to face Shinichiro, cuddling the pillow close to your head while you mumbled gibberish about dorayaki.

This made Shinichiro chuckle a bit, seeing how funny you look, even if you were asleep.
Though he was low key simping on how cute you looked doing that.

Shinichiro layed a futon mattress close to his bed, taking out a fluffy blanket and an extra pillow so he could set up his own little place to sleep.

He did respect the fact that your a girl, regardless of whether your old or young, you still needed your own space. So he thought about giving you the bed tonight as you squirmed a bit on the bed, finding it nice and comfy.

Soon Shinichiro was done and walked towards the mini TV, turning it off before tidying up the place a bit and went towards your sleeping figure.

He sighed and layed a nice soft blanket for you, making sure not to disturb you while you slept.

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