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Barb's pov
To say I was pissed at that action would be an understatement. If I showed how I would actually be in this specific situation, he would absolutely be petrified and I don't want my future lover to be scared of me to the point where he/she will be too scared to tell me anything( for some reason, I always felt bisexual queen vibes from her). I am currently dragging him to my room. I was gonna make him learn the rules the easy way for now. If he still doesn't learn it the easy way, I would have no choice but to traumatize him into submission. I know how to be gentle and an absolute blood thirsty Tyrant. I reached our room and I threw trollex on the bed. I climbed on and the bed and pinned him down. Trollex looked scared to say the least.
Trollex: w-ha-t are y-you doing?
Barb: what do you think ?
Trollex: I don't know
I smacked him on the thigh area of his tail.
He started crying at that and just then Carol came in, she is the only that can enter my room freely unless I tell her to not come in my room.
Carol: Barb go easy on him, I can hear you smacking him from my room and that's at the opposite side of the hall on the 2ND FLOOR AND YOUR ROOM IS ON THE 4TH FLOOR!
Ohhh so I did hit him hard.
Carol: Also did you forget that techno trolls skin is much more delicate than the hard rock trolls.
Barb: good point and throw me the cream.
Carol: Here and I'll go now, peace✌️.
Turning my attention back to trollex I applied the cream to the place I hit and layed beside him and practically buried his head in my chest and has him cuddle against me.
Barb: trollex, I didn't tell you the rules so I didn't punish you that hard and trust me when I say I am being gentle here, I'll admit the smacking part was too much. So now I'll tell you the rules. Understood?
Trollex: Yea B-barb
Barb: Funny I don't remember telling you to call me by my name.
I could feel him shivering another reason why I have him so close to me, he can hide his fear in his voice but his body language deceives him.
Trollex: N-no (Someone please save me!)
Barb: I'll be nice and let you off since I already punished you so hard. Okay?
Trollex: Okay my queen
I patted his head and he shivered a little less.
Barb: Now for the rules, So listen up or better yet here read this out loud.
Trollex: o-kay.
Number 1 Always obey what Barb says.
Number 2 Don't reject any affections from Barb
Number 3 Don't try to escape
Number 4 Always ask for permission
Barb: There are only 4 rules and they shouldn't be too hard to follow
Trollex: Yes my queen.
Barb: Take some rest and I'll be back in the evening. If you need anything that requires permission while I am away ask riff or Carol.
Trollex: Okay my queen
I kissed his head and went to band practice.

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