5: Amnesia ✨️

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Faggot life irl fr fr no cap bussin bussin
-chapter fill in that i had to keep (i was high on paper (no seriously i was high on paper (i set som paper on fire and smoked it (pretty nice experience tbh (also pretty funny as well (Smoked/10 would recommended))))))


☆ What Happened Last Time (Roxy) ☆

Roxy was walking around the maintainace halls with Chica, Roxy loved that chicken to her hearts content. The one sided love was short cut due to monty running up behind the two girls, putting his arms around them as if they were his football friends. "Hey guys!!" "The hell do you want Monty.." Roxanne growled at Monty. "Chill wolf girl, just wanted to know how my buddies are hanging, cant I do that?" "To hell.." "Calm down Roxy-Po, he's just asking a question." Chica squacked out as she lifted Montys hand off her. Roxy groaned as she ripped the hand off her. The three were walking down the halls while talking as they came acrost one of Suns hallways and Monty remembered something. "Oh yeah, Roxy, I went to that gaywads place, Dixxies doing pretty well there!" "His name is Sun you asshole but yeah, Chica you wanna go check up on him?" Roxanne looks at her internal clock. "We have a decent time to go see him and the kids before we have the stuff with the fans, right?" "Yeah that seems nice, you pitching in Monty?" "Yeah sure I'll tag along, I wanna see Dixxie!" The 3 robot start to walk down to Suns door and opened it.

☆ First person (Monty) ☆

Roxanne opened the door while looking back at us two, chica saw the scene first because she was wanting to see Sun the most, I was mostly talking to Roxy and looking at her while talking. Chica gasped and we looked what she was looking at. Chica was the first to run up to Sun. Sun was on his knees on the ground, he was shaking badly but he seemed like he was trying to get up. I and Roxy ran up to him, Roxanne tryed to put a hand on Sun before Sun put a knee up and pushed him self back, his back hit the doors hard and Sun put his hands on his face before letting them slid off his face and he then realized me and the two girls. "Sun are you ok?" Chica asked, reaching a hand out. Sun flinched. "Who are you guys?" "What?" Sun moved more closer to the big brown doors, Sun soon became more scared at us as we just stared at him, Sun seemed like he got a pop up, he aswell seemed to be sending a message to someone else. "Sun, it's me, Roxanne, don't you remember?" Roxy moved back to give him some room, me and Chica did the same. "I know somewhat who you are but who are the other two." Sun frantically pointed to me and Chica as we saw the doors open.

☆ 3rd Person (Sun) [im never doing first person again] ☆

Sun sliped into the doors and quickly closed the door to roxy and the other two. "Fuck" Sun let out under his breath as he felt his circuits, smoke rising from the back, Sun looked behind himself to the mess the kids made but aswell as a sleepy Moon. "I know I just texted you to make sure you knew the message was from me to save but I didn't know you needed that much help but why were you stuck outside and why is the daycare such a mess?" "Oh uhh Moon.. I think, the kids pushed me out and closed the door, you know the doors are one ways." Sun said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Why did you say 'I think' you kno-.. DID YOU GO OUT OF BOUNDS AGAIN!??!?" Moon yelled at Sun angered, it was loud enough that the three animatronics outside heard, making them what to listen in more.

"Y-yes BUT..but it didn't hurt as much as last time, thats good right?" "Do you remember what Larry said last time?" "No, no I do not." Moon groaned. "The chip could of damaged your memory chip, you're lucky it didn't damage your motherboard or you would be dead." Moon put his pointer finger on Suns chest. "You're also lucky it didn't effect that much memory." "Sorry.. I was just trying to get back into the daycare." Sun looked down the floor. "Hey but, it's good you didn't forget me right, now I need to get back to charging, I'm tired." Sun looked up and slightly laughed as Moon cracked his back, peeking over to see if Sun was happy again, satisfied that Sun was. "Well then, I need to get these kids back in order and clean up the mess!" Sun said as he waved Moon off.

Later Sun found the kid that had the idea and put them in a well deserved time out and got some of the kids that participated to help clean, Sun was very much mad about the incident but delt with it. Sun forgot none of the kids because thats in his main memory chip that hold the most important information and is on the other side of his head than the chip. Sun soon heard a knock on the door, Sun opened it with hesident to see Larry, Sun let him in with kindness, Sun was nervous about Larry coming in so quickly after the incident, he was mentally sweating in worry of what he would do. Larry walked over to the desk and sat down, Sun continued to stand but Larry convinced Sun to sit. "So.. Larry what do you wanna talk about?" "Cut the shit Sun.. You tryed to get out again, especially in daylight and when someone can see that, don't you think that bad for the company? You could no longer be around kids and do you-" "MR. SUN!!! It craft time can we have som glter clue?" "Oh yeah sure!" Sun opened his crouded chest cavity and Sun dug his hand out for a quick second and pulled out a pink glitter glue. "Do you want a different color?" "Do you have yellow and ble for the others?" "Yeah sure" Sun put his hand back in and even faster pulled out two bottles of blue and yellow glitter glue and handed to to the kid and they ran off while he closed his chest cavity.

"So continue Larry!" Sun seemed less nervous after talking with the kid. Larry felt more angered. "Sun you can't keep doing this." Larry clutched his fist. "You idiot robot!" Larry quickly grabed onto two of Suns rays before they could retract.


Word count:1196

Wrote: Aug,20,2023 - 10:20pm
Photos added:

Hello nice to see you again, I've been trying to find good places to draw for the story but over all, this is pretty fun, i have so many ideas for the up coming chapters and enjoy yall with this! (Guess whats coming next chapter! >:} )

I hope yall have a great night/day and see yah!

☆ ~ When The Sun Rises And The Moon Drops || [A Sun And Moon Story]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt