Private Jet

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(Here's my bookly reminder to you not to forget to comment. Reading comments and reactions is my favorite part of posting these books so I appreciate everyone who does it)

"I always expected Lena to screw up, just never so completely!" Lex Luthor slammed his fist on the table hard before reining in his anger. The prison guards standing outside the open door of the room glanced inside to make sure he wasn't trying anything before getting back to their conversation.

 The prison guards standing outside the open door of the room glanced inside to make sure he wasn't trying anything before getting back to their conversation

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Lex waited a moment as the two sat in silence before speaking again. "This Jenny Kord, will she be an issue?"

"She's pretty much just a kid" Eve Teschmacher replied quickly. She had been feeding Lex information on his company once a month for years now. She had started out, right before he had been arrested, as an intern and had slowly made her way up in the company where she was now Lena Luthor's personal assistant.

 She had started out, right before he had been arrested, as an intern and had slowly made her way up in the company where she was now Lena Luthor's personal assistant

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"A kid?" Lex asked with a laugh. "My sister was outwitted by a little girl?" Eve nodded. Lex continued to laugh for a moment before stopping. "Miss Teschmacher this may in fact prove to be just what my plan needed. Now here's what's going to happen. Next month when you visit again you're going to bring me all the information you can find on this child. Understood?"

"Yes, Lex" Miss Teschmacher quickly nodded as she glanced at the clock and saw that their time together was about to end. She stood up and after a nod from her boss she exited the room.


(Y/n) Luthor sat on the couch in the cabin of one of his mothers private jets. He ignored his phone which was currently on the table upside down before him as it rang. Undoubtedly it was his mother calling to ask why he had taken her Jet.

The boy considered picking up the phone for a moment but then it finally stopped ringing. He let out a sigh of relief before the planes phone rang and a flight attendant quickly picked it up. "Hello? Ah, good day miss Luthor... yes he's right here" the attendant walked towards the boy.

 yes he's right here" the attendant walked towards the boy

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