Chapter Four; Jake

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"Get out of my room!" I yelled at my little brother, Isaac, who was always coming into my room to steal something or another. This time, it was something I'd been searching for - my lucky charm. With my parents away on business meetings or who-knows-what, they thought it was a brilliant idea to get a babysitter. I'd said no, but as always, Mom never listens.

Amber and I broke up just two weeks ago, right before school started. I'm not giving up until Faith admits she likes me. Glancing at the time, I realized I was running late for school. Dragging myself out of bed, I went through my morning routine. I was supposed to study for the math test, but, let's be honest, I hadn't touched it. Regardless, I picked out a pair of jeans and a shirt, then headed downstairs.

Mom had left a note on the table, reminding me to drop Isaac off at school. Rolling my eyes, I went to the kitchen only to find there was barely anything left. She had forgotten to do the grocery shopping again. There were a few cereals left, so I grabbed a bowl and started eating. No one really knows the real me. Everyone sees me as Jack Heart, the school's bad boy. My phone buzzed.

"Hey, Zack," I spoke in my deep voice. "We need to tighten up. Can you meet?" I had to decline; I was grounded since my parents were out of town, and I had to babysit my little brother. I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. Zack was our star football player, and I knew if he couldn't make it, we were in trouble. I rubbed my head, trying to come up with a solution. Then I texted Faith, asking if she could babysit. She replied with a simple "sure."

Liam isn't winning, and that's something I've never really told anyone about. If my mom finds out, she'll freak out. Car driving has always been my passion, but Mom wants me to follow in her footsteps and start a business. That's so lame. But then there's Luke. He always manages to win me over. I took a final bite of my breakfast, called Isaac, and grabbed my car keys before heading outside.

Dropping Isaac off, I parked my car and walked into the school building. "Hi, Amber," I greeted. She walked over, but I quickly told her to back off. She huffed and walked away.

"Hey, Zack," I said as he approached. "Where were you last night?"

"Doing homework," I joked.

"Really?" he questioned, clearly suspicious.

"I told Mom I took Faith on a date," I said with a grin. Zack and I went over our plans for the day. He's the second most popular guy and the head football player. Then there's me, Jack. We're a team, united.

"The first class is math," Amber said, clearly annoyed. "I'm skipping it. I can't stand math; I never understand those equations." I sat down and took my seat.

Amber gave me a dirty look, but I just rolled my eyes. "Alright, class, group project time," Mrs. Hudson announced.

I smirked. This could be interesting.

The teacher began to call out names. Amber and Chloe were together; they groaned. Zack and Max were paired up; they seemed less than thrilled.

"And Faith and Jack," Mrs. Hudson continued.

"What?" Faith and I both exclaimed simultaneously.

"No way am I working with that nerd," I muttered under my breath. "Can you please change my partner?" I begged.

"Nope," Mrs. Hudson said, already moving on.

Faith grumbled, "Not my day."

"I took her on a date; it was just because Zack dared me," I admitted.

I walked over to her. Her eyes were the most beautiful shade I'd ever seen. But she snapped me out of my thoughts when she stepped away from me.

I never really understand girls.

Faith got up and moved to another seat.

"Meet you at your place," I said with a smirk.

"I'd rather do it myself," she replied, avoiding my gaze. The rest of the class was spent in silence; we didn't speak to each other.

As the bell rang, Mrs. Hudson reminded us, "Don't forget, the project is due in two weeks."

Editing is working on what to put here.

I met Faith at her place. I told Zack I couldn't make it to karaoke, so I told him I'd handle it myself. She found that annoying, and I rolled my eyes. Let's just get this over with.

"Agreed," she muttered.

Bad Boy Stole My Heart Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now