Chapter 3

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I'm pretty sure I fell asleep during my daydream about Theo last night. My alarm went off at seven and I've spent the last five minutes lying in bed replaying my daydream in my head. God, I'm hopeless.

I roll out of bed and drag myself into the bathroom to get ready for school. I have just over twenty minutes if I want the donuts Theo promised me last night. I hurry through my whole morning routine. I wash my face and brush my teeth before I put on my makeup. I smile when I remember Theo teasing me about it yesterday. I brush up my long hair and put it in a messy bun on the top of my head. I have to hairspray the flyaways in the front, but it's good enough.

My daydream is still playing through my head as I get dressed. It's too bad I have to change out Theo's shirt, but he'd notice so I throw it into my closet so he can wear it next time he needs a change of clothes here.

I feel happy and giddy today and spend longer than normal looking through my clothes. I decided on jeans, a light green cropped tee shirt, and my black zip up. I pair it with my white sneakers. Part of me wants to put on a necklace or some sort of jewelry other than the earrings I wear every single day, but someone would notice I'm dressing to impress.

I grab my backpack and head downstairs. Aiden is still upstairs but my parents are both making coffee before they go to work.

"Morning." I greet both my parents as I walk to the fridge to find food for my lunch.

"Good morning to you too. Wish I could stay and hear about this good mood, but I've got a staff meeting before class starts. Tell Josh Sanders not to skip gym today if you see him." Dad kisses Mom on the cheek before heading out the door.

The second the door closes, my mom turns to me and I know she's suspicious.

"What? I slept great." I walk around her to make myself a PB&J.

"Is all this about a guy?" she asks, waving at my outfit.

Dammit, my mom is too good.

"Maybe. Why?" I shrug, licking the leftover jelly off the spoon.

"You've worn jeans once since the start of the school year and that was photo day."

I groan as I throw my bagged sandwich and a container of fruit into my lunchbag.

"Do you analyze everything I do?"

"Yes. It's my job."

"I'll see you later. Love you."

I quickly pack up some homemade cookies and a couple extra snacks before I walk out of the house. I stand on the front steps for less than a minute before Theo pulls up and I skip over to the truck and climb in.

"Are you proud of me? I was ready early today." I greet him with a big smile.

Theo stares at me like I'm an alien. He looks dead to the world and in desperate need of coffee.

"Who are you?" Theo asks, "Yesterday you were dead asleep at this time and today you're skipping like a little ballerina and the sky is full of rainbows and sprinkles."

"We're getting donuts." I say as if that's enough reason for everything and I give him my version of his puppy dog eyes, "You promised."

Theo runs a hand down his face with groans before he smiles.

"I did say that we could, didn't I? Chocolate?"


"You're a chocoholic." Theo says to himself as he pulls out the driveway.

"And proud of it."

Theo chuckles and quickly glances at me before turning his eyes back to the road. I watch him as he looks at me again only a couple seconds later. Is it my imagination or did Theo Brooks just check me out?

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