Calendar marking

18 1 3

The moment i woke up, i jumped out of my bed and walked straight to the calendar i had hanged up on my wall. It was currently july so i had marked 6 on the calendar, ur probabbly wondering why? Well 6th of the july is my birthday and today was 5th. I was so excited becouse my parents have booked a private yatch with a dj. I invited everyone i knew and their friends. I was about to turn 18 and this birthday had to be the best one yet. After drawing an x on the 5th i left my room and went downstairs where i greeted my mom and dad.

"Oh good morning sweetie" my mom said while serving my dad some delicious looking waffles with strawberries.

"Good morning mama" i gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down, turning to my dad who was eating "Good morning dad" i said offering him a warm smile.

"Good morning my princess" my dad hugged me and continued eating. "Are u excited for ur birthday tomorrow?" my dad said, sounding more excited than me.

i chuckled slightly "Ofcourse, i cant wait" my mom handed me my plate and i started eating "Thank you" i murmured out while chewing on some waffles.

"Jasmine, after u eat, go get ready for school, dad will drop u off" my mom said while grabbing her bag and heading out of the house

"Bye, mom" i said while waving at her

"Bye, honey" she said back and closing the door behind her.

After i finished eating, i grabbed my dirty plate and placed it in the sink. Walking up the stairs i was constantly thinking about tomorrow, it will be the best day of my life. I thought to my self and smiled. I entered my room and started getting ready for school.

After putting on my school uniform i applied my mascara and lip gloss. Finishing getting ready i went back down to my dad.

"Dad, im ready for school." he was looking on his phone.

it took a second for him to respond "Alright, sweetie, lets go" he got up and we both left the house, locking it behind us.


When i arrived at school, i ran straight to my best friend Amara, she was a brunette with hazel eyes.

"Omg hi girl!" she hugged me tightly "im so excited for tomorrow!" she notified me.

"Me too, its will be amazing" we both jumped up and down while holding hands and squealing quietly

"Have u picked ur outfit and bikini yet?" she asked

"No, i will have to after school" i replied "Have you?"

"Yes, i bought an outfit just for this event" she was talking so fast i could barely understand

i chuckled "Calm down Amara" i joked

"Sorry, im just so excited for ur birthday" pausing, Amara started squealing again "I cant belive ur gonna be 18"

"I know, right?"

*bell ringing*

"Alright well i have to go to my class now, bye Jasmine" Amara said while walking away and waving at me

i entered my classroom and sat down. We had history and i hated it, the whole class was boring as hell.


I was walking to my last class of the day, finally.
Walking towards the door i accidentally bumped into someone, when i looked up, i saw that it was a boy i havent seen here yet.

"Omg im so sorry" i apologized, feeling embarrassed.

He laughed softly "Dont worry, its okay" he placed his hand on my shoulder "Im Marcus" offering me a warm smile, i straightened myself and smiled back at him.

"Thank you, im Jasmine" i paused for a second "Wait, would u like to come to my birthday party tomorrow, im celebrating it on a yatch?" i had to repay him somehow for bumping into him.

His eyes widened a bit "I would love to" Marcus replied and we both exchanged numbers.

after we both gave eachother our numbers, we went to our classes, i couldnt help but think to myself how cute he is.


After i was done with all of my classes and school, i entered my dads car who was waiting for me outside and came to pick me up.

"How was at school today?" he asked.

"It was good, i made a new friend" i replied, sounding happy.

"Whats her name" my dad asked curiously while driving.

"Its actually a boy" i chuckled slightly "His mame is Marcus and hes really nice".

My dad looked at me through the review mirror "Did u invite him to ur birthday?"

"Yeah, i did" i said while crossing my arms and laying back on the car seat, smiling.


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