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Mackenzie and her dad had walked around in near silence for 2 days, they had left their camp in the middle of the night after watching one of those, as her dad calls them, motherfuckers bite her older brother. Neither of them knew what to say, neither of them wanted to accept it.

At first Mackenzie was relieved to leave the camp, most of the men there made her feel uncomfortable but she could never tell her dad that. When she told Finley he said their dad would be furious, he was scary when he was mad and neither of them wanted to witness it or be on the recieving end of it. When they had joined the camp, their dad told them that it would help them survive and Mackenzie couldn’t risk getting herself, her brother or her dad getting kicked out. But now that they had left she realised how alone they truely were, they didn't have Finley starting races to different trees and her dad had stopped telling her not so fun fun-facts about different plants they walked passed.

She just wanted to be at the police station, it seemed like they had been walking for ages. Mackenzie had pulled the bottom of her dads shirt many times as if to ask for a rest but he only huffed and walked quicker in response making her have to jog and run to keep up, until he eventually slowed back down.

Finally, they found their way to the police station. Once it came into view, Mackenzie jumped up and down and  clapped in excitement, her dad looked down at her and sighed before telling her to be quiet. Her dad had told her that going to a station would be their best chance at surviving, like he said about the group Mackenzie had thought. However he did also say that it would have guns and ammo, and maybe knives that were consficated from the public, from before everything changed. As they got closer, her dad used his hands to shield the sun that was starting to blare into his eyes.

What they didnt expect was there to be a group of motherfuckers blocking the station.

“Fuck.” Her dad muttered, running his hands through his hair “Stay back Zee, get ya knife out, incase.”

“Incase a’ what?” Mackenzie asked quietly her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she slowly got her knife out.

He didn’t answer for a moment, he just kept looking around and muttering to himself.

“Incase my plan goes to shit.” Her dad pushed her back behind him, before taking his knife out of his sheath. “If it does ya run Mackenzie okay? Ya run.”

Under different circumstances, she would tell her dad off for swearing infront of her. The only time they were allowed to swear was when they were talking about one of the motherfuckers, that was his rule. Something about respect or something, Mackenzie didn’t know. She just knew he broke the rule a lot and she’d get in trouble for telling him off for it and that she’d also get in trouble for not telling him off.

“What plan daddy?” She asked looking up at the back of his head.

“Ya promise me you’ll run Mackenzie. You promise me.” He put his arm back behind him, Mackenize reached out hesitantly and held his hand with her left hand, it was at this point she realised how serious whatever he was about to do was.

“I ain't gonna leave you.” She told him shaking her head gripping her knife with her right hand, her knuckles were going white.

He turned to face her, removing her hand from his, and put his hands on her shoulders. He kissed the top of her head before pushing Finleys baseball cap up slightly so Mackenzie could see better. Her eyebrows furrowed again, he never kissed her.

“If one of the motherfuckers bites me, ya run. I don’t want ya stood here waiting for ‘em to get bored a me. All they’ll have to do is turn, see you and then your a gonna. Just like Finley.” He said, whispering the last sentence. He turned back to face the group of motherfuckers.

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