Reality's Dream

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Okay, so how about we go for an introduction for the story. Basicly what I'm going to do is a story that kind of doesn't know where its going, but it tells itself. The main character is a guy who deosn't remember anything about himself except for his name, Cole. He finds that he has experience dealing with knives and hand to hand combat at the begining. Starting in a seemingly ababndoned research facility he finds that his enimies are not only soilders but the undead. Trying to escape while finding out about himself is difficult when he finds himself haveing dellusions. His first encounter with a "friend" is a security officer to the facility who became trapped inside a room. Joe Sanders, a black man about the same age as Cole, was on his first day at work when the facility became the way it is.

Anyway thats all I'm gonna say for the intro. If you're intrested when you read this, please continue on. If not feel free to exit out, but if any of your friends seem like they would be interested, please refer them to this. I wanna see how many people will actually get into this. Anyway, The first chapter might take a bit to put up but if you are interested I hope I don't dissapoint.

Reality's DreamWhere stories live. Discover now