Sporks and Sues- Part 2

138 13 15

I don't own Merlin.....



Mordred POV


I grip the spork in my hand. Such a small object, a vital key to eliminating Camelot of this usurper, this... Mary-Sue. The spork seems so... pathetic. Is Mordretta merely jesting about its deadly powers? I hope not.

Suddenly, the sweet smell of shampoo- that hasn't been invented yet- invades my nostrils, as a clear, musical voice invades my eardrums. It is the Sue.

Now or never.

I shout a war cry- "FOR MORDRETTA!"

The Sue squeals prettily as the spork implales her naturally perfumed flesh. She begins to crumble into small pieces, which quickly vapourise. Soon there is nothing left.

Yes! Yes! I do a victory dance, then look around to see if anyone saw. No, they didn't. Good.

Note to self- raise shrine for The Holy Sue Killing Spork on this spot. Adorn with sporks and put holy spork on altar.

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