A loud crash and poo

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Morgana: Mordretta does not own Merlin! But she owns the baby dragons, and their poo! *steps in dragon poo and squeals in horror* Mordretta! Use your author powers to make it GO AWAY!

Mordred POV


Mordred's diary

It has been three days since the baby dragons were discovered. I tried to use my Dragonlord powers to get rid of them, but it hasn't exactly gone to plan.....


A loud crash punctuates the air.

"What was that?", cries Morgana.

"It's those blimming dragons again, Morgana! Ever since you told me to get rid of them, they've just pooed everywhere and caused havoc!"

She sighs. "I can't live with it ANY LONGER! The smell is unbearable! All my shoes are RUINED!"

With this, Morgana throws herself onto her bed and starts sobbing in despair. I sigh. I think it may be best if I just left the room and checked what exactly that loud crash was. Morgana throws a pillow at me.

"Can you go and check what exactly that loud crash was?", she asks.

Lobbing the pillow back at her with the awesome-Druid-mental-magyk I have, I leave the room.

"Oh no", I say. "Oh no oh no oh no."

The large metal letters reading 'Camelot' have been defaced. The 'O' and 'T' have been destroyed, so the sign now reads: 'Camel'

This is not good. I step backwards, and into a large pile of dragon droppings.



Au revoir for now, I'll be back!

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