The Blackwoods

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A/n: This takes place in the past. The group is in 7th or 8th grade TW for attempted suicide and being in a mental hospital

Ocean's Pov:

I sat down in my seat in the front of my first period classroom. The seat next to me was abnormally empty. Constance Blackwood, my best friend, was not occupying it. Maybe she's just late, I am early early after all. I shrugged and took out my binder, jotting down the notes on the board.

I watched her seat as it got later and later into the period. Nothing. It worried me. Constance had been absent more and more recently, despite my protests about  her attendance. Maybe I should ask Mrs. Blackwood about it... The bell rung in my ears, and I collected my things and departed into the crowded hallway.

The next period I took my seat again, Constance's still empty. The one behind me, though, was not. Ricky Potts, the disabled kid in choir. He hung around the other choir kids. Maybe he heard something I didn't.

"Hey Ricky, do you know where Constance is?" I asked, turning around to face him.

He signs a sad "no sorry". I nod. "Maybe ask Penny," he adds after regaining my attention.

"Good idea." I turn to the desk next to him where Penny Lamb sits, quietly talking to her brother, Ezra. "Penny!"

She turns, looking to see who said her name. "Oh, good morning, Ocean. What's up?" She asks cheerfully.

"Have you seen Constance? She wasn't in first period, and now she's not here," I ask, my eyes drifting to Constance's seat.

"Mmmmm, no. Not since choir yesterday," Penny replies, a pondering look on her pale face. "Maybe try calling her during lunch or something."

"Yea, i probably will," I say sadly. "Thanks, Penny."

"No problem!"

I sink slightly into my chair as the teacher starts the lesson. I try to pay attention, but my usual attentiveness is swiftly slipping. I hope she's ok...

A couple of hours later, I slump into my seat at the lunch table. The one next to me is still empty. Taunting me, like it knows something. I pull out my phone and text Constance. I set it down after sending it, zoning out while looking at my friends across the table.

"What are you looking at?" Noel asks sharply. Noel Gruber, my frienimy since elementary school.

"Sorry, just zoned out," I say, nervously fiddling with one of the pleats of my skirt.

"Are you ok, Ocean?" Penny asks, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Yea, you look kinda pale," Ezra adds from her other side.

"Yea, just worried," I reply, giving her a reassuring nod.

I sat there for the rest of lunch, staring at my phone, waiting for it to light up. I called a couple times, but every time, it just rung and rung until it went to voice mail.

The last three periods of the day seemed to drag on for what seemed like forever. When the 9th period bell rang, I sighed with relief. For the first time in my academic career, I was glad to be leaving school.

On the winding walk home, I decided that I would pay Mrs. Blackwood a visit to make sure Constance was OK. After my homework, of course. Once I made it home, I bounded up the front stairs, eager to finish my work and see Constance.

When I opened the front door, something I least expected sat in my living room. Mrs and Mr Blackwood were sitting on the couch across from my own parents.

"Mr and Mrs Blackwood. Good to see you. I was planning on coming to see you later to make sure Constance was ok. She isn't responding to my calls or messages. Is everything ok?" I ramble while I unstrap my scuffed Mary Jane's and set down my bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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