I Guess This Is The End

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A/n: tw for yelling, hitting, suicide, blood

Oceans Pov:

I nervously set the paper face down on the dining room table, hands shaking. I could feel my parents drilling eyes on my head as I uprighted, looking down at my shoes.

"Face down? You trying to hide something?" my father grunted, snatching the test off of the table. All was silent. I could hear my own tense breathing.

"A C MINUS," my mother shrieked. She grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at her.

"I'm s-sorry," I stammered. "I t-tried! I really did. I was just really stressed and-"

"Stressed about what??" he booms, towering over me. One of his favorite methods of frightening me. Sometimes, I think he enjoys the fear he strikes in me. "What in your perfect, prissy life could have stressed you out enough to get a C minus!??!?"

"This is not how we raised you, Ocean OCon-" she starts, her head in her hand.

"Well, at least I'm not off doing drugs!!" I spat, the anger in my voice rising. "I could be doing a hundred worse things as a senior and all your worried about is a fucking c minus."

"Language, young lady!!" he yells, grabbing my wrist tightly.

"I could be drinking, or doing drugs or having sex for gods sakes like a normal fucking teenager!!" I continue. "But nooooo. I'm stuck here, with straight A's and no life. I've done nothing fun, nothing that i wanted to do, for the last nine years of my fucking life." I rip my arm away from him backing towards the staircase that led upstairs.

"Don't you dare talk to your mother like that!!" he growls as his hand comes toward me. I flinch away as his calloused hand meets my face. It stings. It always stings. "You ungrateful little brat!!"

On shaky legs I stand, bracing myself against the post at the bottom of the stairs. "You are no father of mine," I state through clenched teeth. "A father loves, a father cares. A father teaches and helps their child grow. You have never done any of those things for me. And I'm afraid you never will." The tears are pouring down my cheeks as I turn and run up the stairs, only stopping when my bedroom door is closed and triple locked.

I crumple against the door, holding a hand gently to the red mark on my cheek. I crawled across the floor to the hidden mini fridge under my bed, retrieving an ice pack. I climb onto my bed, burrowing into the blankets as my tears mirror the pounding rain outside my window. I layed there like that for hours. Ignoring the world.

Hours later my phone goes off for what seems to be the hundredth time. I lazily reach for it. Having no effort for anything. I turned on my phone to see dozens of messages from Constance. Connie, my best friend since... forever. I opened the text and replied with two words.

Me: I'm sorry

Connie <3: omg Oc what's wrong? I was so worried. I was abt to call Noel to come check on you. Is everything OK?

I smiled weakly at the text. My only smiles were around her. It felt relieving to know that at least someone cared. I repeated the words she most often said to me.

Me: I'm sorry

Connie <3: Oc, your scaring me. What's going on? Do I need to come over?

Me: Constance Blackwood, you have been the best friend I could have ever asked for. You make everything about my shitty life a million times better. I know you'll blame yourself but none of this is your fault. It's everybody but your fault. I know I've been terrible to you and I wish I could change that, but I can't. So I hope that you can forgive me, and know that. I love you. I always have. You are my whole world. It's never been anyone else, it's always been you. I'm so sorry that it has to end like this. The right people the wrong time. I promise I'll find you again. I'll find you over and over and over again. It just couldn't be, not in this lifetime. I'm so sorry.

Connie <3: Ocean?!?!?!?! No no no no no Ocean please no, I know it's hard but please don't go I need you.

Missed call from Connie <3
Missed call from Connie <3
Missed call from Connie <3

Connie <3: come on pick up ocean. Ocean please

Constances Pov:

My phone slipped from my hand, landing with a thump on my bed. Tears dripped down my chin and dotted my shirt. I stared at my phone, stunned, as I watched her icon go offline.

No, no, no. This can't be happening. It can't. Panicked, I jumped out of bed and sprinted out of my room, through the living room where my parents were sitting, tears still streaming down my face.

"Woa woa little lady. Whats going on?" My dad asks as I pull on my rain coat and boots.

"I-i have to g-go- Ocean-" I stutter breathlessly. I grab my car keys from the hook on the wall and bolt out the door, not waiting for his response.

"Be careful, its raining pretty hard," my mom yells down the stairwell.

I run out into the rain and straight to my car, rain beating on the rubber of my raincoat, thunder sounding all around. I speed out of the driveway and down the road, tears still pouring down my face.

I go as fast as I can down the winding road to Ocean's house. Past the high school where we'll soon graduate. And the elementary where we first met. I screech into the driveway and leap out of the car, not bothering to turn it off. Every moment was crucial.

I bound up the front steps, taking them two at a time. Banging on the door Ms. Rosenberg opens it looking flustered and confused.

"Why Constance I wasn't expecting you so-" she starts as I push through her. Without taking my boots off I sprint up the stairs to Ocean's room slamming into the door. Dam all those locks.

I bash at the door till a hinge pops off and I can push my way in, squeezing through the splintered gap. I freeze at the sight of her. Sprawled on the ground, gun in her hand, pool of blood around her head.

I collapse to my knees, pulling her head into my lap. "P-please, please Ocean. I n-need you, you can't. We were supposed to go out together. W-what about graduation. Ocean I love you." I sputter through streams of tears. Her blood is still warm as it seeps into my clothes as I hold her limp body close to me. "Please."

I look up to see her parents standing in the doorway, holding each other. "WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?!?! CALL AN AMBULANCE, HELP HER, DO SOMETHING YOU DUMB FUCKS!?!?!" I shout at them. Her dad hurries downstairs to make the call while I cradle her in my arms.

Her mom approaches and tries to put a hand on my shoulder. "Get away from her!!!" I snap. "This is your fault completely.  You heartles, fucking asshole!!! I hate you!!! You should be ashamed for how you treated this poor girl!!! She gave you the world but it was never good enough for you!!! Live with that for the rest of your life, you bitch."

I held her on that floor till the medics had to pull her from my arms. But there was nothing they could do. It was far too late. For her. For us. For my poor Ocean.

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