How Much Trouble Can A Child Get Into?

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This chapter is for @Ssmith_2005611 I had a lot of fun coming up with different scenarios that Valerie could possibly end up in with Wolffe. So I hope this lives up to your expectation XD

Valerie still held the hand of the Kel Dor as the two of them and the 'twins' walked into the bigger Venator. She looked around in awe and couldn't help but coo at everything and everyone. She noticed that there were many more 'twins' than just their two companions.

"Aww isn't she just the cutest!" Comet squealed in delight.

Wolffe rolled his eyes. "She's just a baby, Comet. There really isn't anything exciting about her."

"Actually Commander Wolffe," Master Plo Koon started. "She is a toddler now."

"Wolf-wolf!" Valerie giggled and jumped up and down.

"No." Wolffe said. "It's Wolffe. Not wolf wolf."

"Come on, give her a break, she's an adorable baby." Comet said and patted her head.

Plo Koon picked up the little girl and she couldn't help but giggle, which made Comet chuckle as well. "Plo! Plo!" She said, in between her giggles.

"Is it smart having her on the Venator?" Wolffe asked.

"We are bringing her to the Jedi Temple, there isn't a safer place for her." Plo Koon stated. "And I have things I need to clear with our admiral and since it seems that you don't think there is anything exciting to her." Plo Koon put Valerie in Wolffe's hands. "You can watch her." He turned and started to walk away from his commander.

"Wait!" Wolffe called out, holding the child out in front of him. "I don't know what to do with it!"

"You can start by not calling her 'it.' Her name is Valerie." Plo Koon waved his hand at them without turning around and kept walking down the hall.

Valerie turned around in Wolffe's arms and blew a raspberry.

"Really Wolffe?" Comet raised an eyebrow. "It?"

Wolffe put the girl down and grabbed her hand. "I didn't mean to call her an it, it just slipped out."

"Sure it just slipped out." Comet teased. "You haven't been around children, have you?"

"Like you have?"

"Of course."

"When?!" Wolffe crossed his arms.

"Our clone younglings." Comet nonchalantly said.

"They don't count."

"They don't count? Of course they do-" Comet paused.

"What?" Wolffe questioned. Comet looked past Wolffe and looked around. "Comet, what is it?"

"Where's the kid?" Comet looked back at him.

"What do you mean she's right here-" Wolffe looked down and saw the girl nowhere to be found. "By the maker where's the kid?!"

"You were holding her hand!"

"I didn't realize she let go!"

"We have to find her, Wolffe!"

"Of course we do! The general will kill us if he finds out we lost a BABY!"

"What did the two of you lose now?" Wolffe and Comet turned and saw Cody and Rex walking towards them, Cody the one asking the question.

"Nothing!" Comet quickly said. "We lost absolutely nothing." Wolffe smacked his forehead.

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