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Just from his position in Regulus' hallway, James can already tell that Regulus' home is going to be exactly as he imagined it to be.

The hallway is painted a dark green colour, with two large windows next to the front door to allow light to stream in through them. There is a dark wood, vintage looking table sitting beneath a silver mirror; a collection of books sit on the table, a small, ceramic bowl with a packet of cigarettes and a neon yellow lighter resting nearby the books. Two vanilla scented candles are also present on the table, along with a row of tall, dinner table like candles; the ones with extremely long wicks, that take forever to burn and droop wax everywhere.

A photograph of Regulus and Pandora sits in a circular black frame, while one of he, Evan and Barty in their school uniforms is next to it. They look so young; Regulus looks so young, so boyish and childlike. And yet, he hasn't aged all too much since the photo was taken.

A photograph of Sirius and Regulus is tucked behind the other two frames; a black and white image of them at a wedding; their suits black and dark, Regulus standing slightly taller than his older brother, wide, identical, toothy grins on their faces. Behind all of these frames, is a large, towering orchard plant in a large, shiny crystal vase; clearly watered and tended to regularly.

A coat rack with various shades of denim is positioned inside of the door. A photo on the wall opposite it; Regulus grinning stupidly with a small, toddler girl on his hip; her face wild and joyous as she beams at him, a light pink pinafore dress on her small body, frilled white socks and shiny black Mary Janes on her feet. She wears a pale pink ribbon in her mousy brown hair. James recognises the girl as Andromeda's daughter, but she is a lot more grown, now that he knows her, than she had been in that photo.

"Wow," James utters. He chuckles. "Somehow, it is exactly how I would expect your hallway to look," He remarks, looking around; the rustic, patterned grey rug that runs along the floor catching his eye.

Regulus smirks a little, raising an eyebrow. "C'mon, let's get you off your feet. I'll pop the kettle on,"

Before either man can move, there is a creak of a door. Down the wooden flooring, struts a large, white cat; purring loudly. She wears a periwinkle blue collar with a small silver bell attached to it. She is aged, yet not ungraceful in her movements, despite the slowness of them.

Regulus smiles as soon as he sees her. "Hello, old girl," He turns to James. "James, I'd like you to meet Beck," He says.

Steinbeck, Beck, is a large Turkish Angora with greying fur and elderly green eyes. She is the first to greet James at the door of Regulus' apartment, with a curious expression and a loud humming pur as she circles around his legs. And she is gorgeous.

James isn't much for cats; on the contrary, he's much more of a dog person, despite his regular feuds with Earl, but there is something captivating about Steinbeck and her jewel coloured eyes.

"She', she's very pretty for a cat, isn't she?" James says. There is something regal about Beck; in the way that she moves, carrying herself with grace and a certain refinement and haughtiness that James has never witnessed in an animal before now; Earl certainly isn't equipped to be described as graceful.

Regulus hums, amused. "She's very special to me," He says. "We've been together for a long time,"

A slightly larger cat, clearly a male cat, is the next to appear into James' line of sight. "That's Gatsby," Regulus introduces. Before he can speak again, a smaller, white cat runs out behind Gatsby; much less graceful than the senior cat that had first appeared. "And Pluto. She's always falling behind the other two,"

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