15- A Date

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[2021 November 21, Huis Ten Bosch]

"Hey Touya, look! There are yellow tulips! Don't they look amazing?" Keigo said in a bright tone.

"Mhm, it sure is Keigo. Yellow tulips are known to mean happiness, cheerfulness, and hope. It can also mean there's sunshine in your smile if you gift it to someone." Touya explained. "Ooh! I should gift some to you then, there's sunshine in your smile, Touya."

So... how did the two end up here? Well, to explain...


"Hey Touya, you know when we were younger we always wanted to go on a little break right?" Keigo asked one day in Touya's dorm. Both of them sitting next to the bed. "Yes Keigo. But why are you in my room? Didn't the heroes give you a room to stay in?" Touya asked.

"Yup! But I like it here better. We used to be roommates, remember?" Keigo tried to change the subject. "Of course I do, you used to be such a messy person. I bet you still are."

"Huh?! I'm nearly 18 now! I'm way older than you, of course I'm not messy. That was just me being childish back then~" Keigo told him. "You're not way older than me, you're like one month older." Touya said, looking straight at him, "and you're still childish, Keigo." 

"Eh, you're so mean~ I'm gonna tell Mirko!" Keigo said, standing up. He went towards the door but someone opened it first, "You're gonna tell me what? Keigo. Did Touya hurt you?" Mirko had come in. 

Was his room a public resting place? Dabi thought.

"He hurt my heart, he said I was more childish than a five year old~" Keigo put his hand on his forehead and pretended to fall down, being a drama queen, as always. "But you are childish Keigo." Mirko told facts. To this, Keigo laid down on Touya's bed. 

Even his bed? Where was his personal space...

He and Keigo had told Mirko about how they knew each other back when they were young and their names. It took a while for her to start calling them by their names but now, they were... a very chaotic group.

"Pfft, yeah, even Mirko admits you're childish. You know, Mirko" Touya sat on his chair and leaned back, "Keigo once asked the teacher-" Keigo ran behind him and put a hand over Touya's mouth. "Shut up right now or else we're doing a remake of November 21st!" Keigo shouted, his ears red as blood.

Touya laughed, and escaped from Keigo's hand and, in a muffled voice, told Mirko, "He asked- stop Keigo- how to spell" Keigo interrupted him, "Oh right, why'd you come here, Mirko?" by now, Keigo's arm was around Touya's neck. 

"and he- he asked, 'Fujiwara sensei, how do you spell UFO?' in front of the whole class." Touya giggled. 

"Pfft. How're you one of the most strongest hero with a brain like that?" Mirko asked. Keigo in defense of himself said, "I was 7! I didn't know what I was saying! And why did you memorize that?" his face was now red as a strawberry.

"I have Hyperthymesia, remember? I remember everything. Like that time, you accidentally called our teacher a rat, or the time-" Touya was stopped by Mirko.

"Alright. That was hilarious thank you, but I have something serious to tell you..." she paused. Touya and Keigo stared at her... "I... got us free tickets Huis Ten Bosch!!" 

Touya clapped, "OMG that's great! Except, what is Huis Ten Bosch?" Keigo also looked confused.

"You don't know?- oh right, you guys are traumatized from being locked up all your childhood, how could I forget. Huis Ten Bosch is the most famous flower park in Japan. They have tons of tulips and also a few rides! It's a really famous dating spot." she said the last part, staring at Keigo. Keigo blushed red. What fruit is red... Touya thought, ummm... a... "Dragonfruit!" no, that wasn't the right shade... Keigo and Mirko stared at Touya as if he was crazy. 

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