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Julie barged in through the door, a small frown on her face. Mack looked up at her from his book, his blonde hair falling over one of his ocean blue eyes. "No success at hunting today?" he asked, voice soft. Sitting down next to him on the couch, Julie slowly shook her head. It's been a while since we've had a good meal, what with all the animals evolving quicker. I can't remember the last time we've had a good deer for dinner. I miss it a little. Just then I saw Clara storm in, red hair flowing behind her. She looked at everyone with fierce annoyance burning in her hazel eyes.

"For once, one of you could help us in hunting!" Her voice was riddled with rage, making me flinch slightly. She was always frightening when she was mad.

Ryan gave her a little smirk, leaning back in his chair. "You said you could handle it."

We, Ryan, Mack and I, used to do all the hunting while Julie and Clara stayed home. Clara had gotten tired of doing nothing all day and said that just because they were girls doesn't mean they couldn't hunt. So, we let them go instead of us. They both did great at first, but now....

Clara went up to Ryan and punched him in the arm. Hard. He moved away, leaning towards the left side of his chair, a yelp coming from his mouth. Satisfied, Clara marched upstairs, flipping her scarlett hair behind her shoulders.

Ryan shook his head at her and waved a hand. "She's so picky. First she's mad that we don't ler her hunt, now she wants us to? I don't get her." Mack laughed, rolling his eyes. "I don't think anyone does," he said. Julie only smiled at him and nodded, holding her head on her hands and leaning her elbows on her lap. She was always so quiet, I sometimes forget what her voice sounds like. It's pretty high pitched, actually, almost like a child's. Almost.

I leaned back on my chair, staring up at the ceiling. Clara had been getting angrier lately. More than usual. She's usually more inward about her anger, usually not lashing out at Ryan, who is the one who makes her angry most. It's strange, her change of attitude. I suppose she's getting sick of this island, which is understandable. 13 years in this place can get annoying, what with all the survival and storms.

But that didn't matter now. Now, we have to find something to eat for dinner. Even a rabbit would be acceptable. Mack looked around at Ryan and I, his blue eyes seeming distant. He must have been thinking hard about something, I can't tell what. His lips turned up a little at the ends after a moment, and he clasped his hands together as he stood from the couch.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go out and hunt, you two." Mack smiled slightly and Ryan and I both stood, grabbing our spears and jackets. Mack scooped his bow and arrows up in his arms, swinging the bag that held the arrows over his shoulder. He waved a hand to Julie and we exited the shack, closing the screen door behind us.

Mack led us into the forest, readying his bow and arrow to strike at anything moving. Though his hair flopped over his eyes, I'm sure he could still see behind them. Ryan started swinging his spear around, spinning it on his fingers while Mack wasn't looking. He smirked at me, challenging me to do the same. Of course, I couldn't do that, so I smiled and brushed his challenge off silently in response.

After a while of sulking in the bushes and hiding from tree to tree, Mack turned to us, a finger pressed against his lips. He pointed to animals in the distance, only it's silhouette though. There were two of them from where I could see. Ryan got his spear ready, creeping up towards the area silently, while Mack steadied his bow and arrow. He flipped his hair out of his eyes and aimed cautiously. I looked over his shoulder at the area, worried that he might hit Ryan, which has happened before. Of course, he had gotten better at his aim than back then, but I still worry. I heard a small, quiet yelp from where Ryan was, along with a rustle of bushes. One of the silhouettes had collapsed, the other oblivious to what was happening. Mack must have heard it too, because as soon as that happened, he fired his arrow and struck the last animal in it's side. Ryan came back running, a wide smile on his face. "It was deer!" he proclaimed, raising his gray, metal spear in the air. Mack and I celebrated too, then followed him to where the animals died. Ryan and Mack hauled the deer back, while I decided on having a feast and killed a gray, medium-sized rabbit.

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