Chapter 6

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As you all walk away from that encounter you just had, they were already excited about going to the beach, though to some of them, that encounter still lurks through their thoughts. It was honestly weird but you didn't mind it at all, you were pretty sure it's just how they talk to other people. You all continued to walk outside the mall and hop into the car.

"Well, we all have our swimsuits, who wants to go to the beach?"

"I do! Let's get dis car movin'!"

Scout exclaimed, he was pretty much more excited, probably going there to see all of the 'babes'. The rest were also excited as you turned on the car and started driving, using your GPS to go to the beach. It's been 30 minutes and you all were finally at your destination, they immediately got out of the car, amazed by the view.

"Good mother of Joseph! Is this the beach?"

"Mhm, it's a relaxing one too, so I'm sure we won't be bothered, everyone's nice here."

"Hell yeah! Let's go to da beach! I'll go find a table for us ta sit!!"

Scout ran off while Engineer sighed, trying to catch up to him.

"Scout! Wait you damn city boy!"

You chuckled as you grab the bags from inside the car, you packed sunscreen, some swimming gears and surf boards. Scout had already found a nice place to relax if they don't want to swim, the rest were helping you bring it to that location Scout chose, it was not too far from the water so that was a good thing. You saw Scout and Engineer sitting down, waiting for you and the rest. You placed down everything and the other mercenaries did a few things before going to the water.

"Vell, zhis could be fun! I haff to say, it's been a long time zince ve vent to a beach."

"Roight, where's our swimsuits lil roo'?"

"They're inside the bag, you can go to the shower room right over there."

You turned to look at him as you smile. You pointed to where the bathrooms and showers were, they were excited and happy as Scout was the first one to go to the showers, the rest followed him while you stayed for a bit, Spy stayed however.

"Zhey are attached to 'ou, non?"

"Oh come on Spy, I'm pretty sure they're all just happy, and even if they are, I don't really mind."

"Hm, no vonder vhy zhey really like to hang vith 'ou, 'ou're nice even if ve're mercenaries."

"Well of course, I like to help alot so it's normal for me."

He nodded, the mercenaries came along as they were already in their swimsuits, Scout was trying to flex his muscles while the rest just snickered. They were all slightly muscular, it was a sight to see if you're being honest.

"Darlin', don't cha want to swim with us?"

"Oh yeah, I'll do that later, and apply some sunscreen, you don't want to get tanned."

Engineer chuckled and nodded.

"Alrigh' then darlin'. We'll do just that, come on boys."

They started to apply sunscreen on themselves before running to the water like wild animals, making you giggle a bit. You turned to look at Spy to which he was also watching them.

"Hey Spy, do you ever take off that mask of yours? You know you're gonna have to swim with them either way, right?"

"I don't have to take off my mask. Vhy do 'ou vant me to swim vith zhem?"

"Spy, this could be a once in a lifetime! Atleast maybe try to have fun, for once?"

He thought about it, squinting his eyes as he looked at you, then sighed.

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