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Recommend to read the story again, some changes were made!!

(Y/N) - Your Name.
(F/N1) - Your Friends Name 1.
(F/N2) - Your Friends Name 2.

You were a very happy woman, you were loved by almost everyone you knew, you've always been that type of person who would care for anyone. it was a beautiful Saturday, you were sleeping in your bed as you heard a sound, your alarm clock suddenly went off, waking you up. You heard a notification coming from your phone, you groan and grunt as you moved out of your bed to reach the phone in your desk. You grabbed the phone, almost dropping to the floor as you held it tight, you opened the text message. It was from (F/N1).

"Hey (Y/N)! Can we play a match with (F/N2)? We've been waiting forever!"

She sounded quite excited, you just woke up from bed as you sigh. You can't really deny with this request so you immediately texted her back.

"Yeah, I'll go take a bath and get ready, you always wake me up early."

You sent that text as you put down your phone, sighing heavily, you stretched and yawn as you sit up then stood up out of your bed, you walked to your closet and get a pair of clothing and towel. You yawn once again as you went out of your room, you head to the kitchen and grab a cup of water before going to the bathroom. You open the curtains in the living room to show some light early in the morning, your neighborhood was very nice and peaceful, it was a very relaxing Saturday so you decided to go and take a bath before texting your friends again.


You were done taking a bath, cooking food and cleaning your room, you get your phone as you open the texts messages, there was alot. You pressed (F/N1)'s direct message.

"Heyy! Where did you go? You're taking so long to take a bath. XD"

You smile as you sigh, chuckling slightly to yourself.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm done taking a bath so we can play now!"

"That's great!! Let me make a match!"

She immediately responded which made you chuckle again, you stretch as you walk to the computer, turning it on and opening 'TF2', there was a match waiting for you as you pressed it with your mouse.

A few hours has passed and you were in a voice call with your friends, clearly having fun. You laughed and joked around, you always liked to screen record your TF2 gameplay to see how much you've gotten better, you had alot of files and videos about TF2 in your phone, and your computer. Just as you were checking something on google. You heard (F/N2) and (F/N1) yelling or getting frustrated on the call, you wondered why and decided to ask them.

"Hey guys? What's with all the yelling and you all sound mad or something?"

"(Y/N)!! You can not believe it! TF2 crashed and now they're trying to fix it, I almost won in the match!"

You chuckled as they were getting mad at the game, you would've gotten mad too so it was understandable.

"Wait, how long will they be able to fix it?"

"(Y/N), you do know when it comes to TF2 crashing, it might just take a few minutes or so." Said (F/N2).

"Guys, you cannot believe this."

You and (F/N2) were now confused, I wonder what (F/N1) was about to say? You sigh and asked her what's wrong.

"What's wrong (F/N1)?"

"Look at the TF2 website!" She exclaimed.

You and (F/N2) started to go to the website, clearly checking to see what was wrong, as you can see, there was a new text written since you've already read the entire paragraph in the TF2 Official website.

Teleportation Gone Wrong. TF2 X READERWhere stories live. Discover now