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Shawn's POV

I ran as fast as I could back to the hotel, I tried, I really did.

"GUYS" I yelled

"Shawn shut up" Cameron sighed

"Dude why are you drenched" Mahogany asked

"I was out with Jess on the pier and some guy shoved me in the water and grabbed Jess and i don't know where she is"

"WHAT" Gilinsky yelled

"BRAYDEN" Matt yelled

"What?" I asked

"That guy at the restaurant, her ex boyfriend, he was obsessed with her, he took her" Matt rushed

"Ok everyone split up, I called the cops already and notified the front desk, Cam, Matt, and Taylor you guys check the beach, Jacob, Dillon, and I will check the main parts of the city, everyone else just go with you gut and try and find Jess" Mahogany said

"Let's go!" Johnson yelled rushing out the door


Gilinsky's POV

It's been 4 hours and we still haven't found her, Johnson and I are an hour away from the hotel and still have to walk all the way back, no one else has seen her, not even the police.

"Yo man, we'll find her, don't worry" Johnson said

"But what if we don't" I gulped

It was pretty quite where we were walking, we were by some apartments, a few people scattered along the street.

As we were walking by the entrance of a tow home something caught my eye- A tall guy with a hood on, can't see his face with his arms securely around a girl with brown hair, a hood pulled tightly around her face, squirming around.

I got closer to the pair but he just scooted them away. So I pretended to trip into them, knocking the guy to the ground and quickly catching the girl pulling off the hood.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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