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- may 2002

     Right from the start, school was something Victoria just couldn't stand. She was only seven when she hesitantly stepped into the whole new world of formal education. The moment she stepped inside that school building, a tide of apprehension flooded over her, practically begging her to turn tail and bolt.

     Even though her big sister, Elena, was right there with her, Victoria's discomfort was like a buzzing neon sign. She couldn't shake off that urge to bolt from this strange new world. And with a quick surge of stubbornness, she slipped free from Elena's grip and sprinted right back outside, her tiny feet carrying her straight into her mother's waiting, comforting arms.

     Tears welled up in her eyes as Victoria just pleaded with her mom, her voice shaking with a mix of anxiety and wanting. She damn near begged to either be whisked back home or reunited with Ms. Rose, the kind-hearted kindergarten teacher who'd become her safety net.

     The core of why Victoria hated school so damn much was because it was all so damn unfamiliar. The idea of having to deal with new kids, make connections, and weave through the mind-numbing maze of social rules was like a tsunami crashing over her young brain. It was a scary-as-hell prospect, forcing her to step way out of her comfort zone and plunge into this crazy unknown world.

     Victoria's heart just longed for the cozy embrace of her kindergarten classroom – where she'd built her very first friendships and felt like she truly belonged. The thought of being yanked out of that haven and thrown into a much bigger, weird-ass place scared the living shit out of her.

     But there she was, three years later, gearing up to face the tenth grade. Her mom and sister weren't around this time, though – Elena got hit by the sickness bug, keeping her stuck at home. So, the job of wrangling her little brother for school and then hauling herself there fell on Victoria.

     Of course, nothing went according to plan, except for the brother-dropping-off part. Standing at the school gates, she's there just weighing up whether to march in or haul ass anywhere else.

     And then there's this other shit that's been going down with Victoria. It's been quite a time that she had started experiencing weird shit happening to her. She hadn't had a night sleep nor ate something for quite some days now.

     Her parents were getting really worried, her father examined her and found nothing wrong with her but they still were worried. They knew it had to do something with her nightmares.

     You see, back when she was just six, Victoria's nights started being invaded by these damn nightmares. At first, Miranda and Grayson didn't think much of it – just regular kid stuff, they figured. But as time ticked on, those damn nightmares just wouldn't quit.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 : 𝐓𝐕𝐃Where stories live. Discover now