Sad Girl pt 2

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"Ok follow me to the next room! We are almost done don't worry." He lightly laughs which still makes me wanna scream i have no clue why. I open the door and we walk in. "I don't spend any time in here, this is more for the aesthetic i think." I say looking around.

"You guys have a whole ring in here?" he runs over to the ring and rolls in not having to worry about taking his shoes off since he has to at the front door. I hate dirty floors.

"I had no clue this was in here, It's probably for Kevin and Alex they like wrestling." I think taking my slippers off and also rolling in.

"Who?" He asks as he runs into the ropes.

"Oh Kevin and Alex are my body guards, they are the funniest people ever I swear." I laugh to myself thinking about some of the funny things they have said to me. We spend some time in the gym before I drag him out to finish the tour.

"Ok 2nd floor done, this is the last floor, and it's pretty much all mine." I say walking up the stairs, Dom following behind me.

"What do you mean all yours?"

"All the furniture and the rooms I decorated and I use everything up here." 

"Diva much." I glare at him rolling my eyes making him laugh.

"Ok last living room,"

"Don't you get scared living this high up?" He asks looking out the window.

"No, I like the thought of being this high up. Don't have to worry about anyone watching me." I reply and continued walking.

"Ok this is the first room,"

"Ok you're actually crazy, you have a whole spa in your house?" 

"Hey I use it all the time it's worth it, but let's hurry and finish there's more I want to show you after the tour!" I rush out the room and into the next room.

"I spend way too much time in here but I kinda have to do it was probably the most practical room, it looked different before I got here but I redesigned it so it looks better now!" I say sitting in the chair.

"Can you sing a song?" He asks looking at all the equipment.

"Yea sure, here put these on. And when I give you the thumbs up click this." I showed him and went into the room and sang a song iv been working ok lately. I walk back out and he look like he's in a daze.

"That was amazing." He said looking at me and smiling.

"Thank you, now let's go!" I pull him out the room and go to the next door. "ok last room, my room." I open the door and he goes in.

Burning Desire :||: Dominik MysterioWhere stories live. Discover now