National Anthem

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~Present time~

"Marcella wake up please we need to get you ready." I hear the voice of Liz one of the maids shaking me awake. I groan and cover my head with the blanket only to have it ripped off by Paul.

"Do I have to go? I'm not even a fan of whatever this is." I argue slowly sitting up. Paul shakes his head before his phone starts ringing making him exit the room. Liv hands me a cup of water that I chug before finally getting out of bed.

I take a shower and exit the bathroom in sweats and a hoodie with my hair in a messy bun. I walk down to the kitchen to see Belina and Paul discussing the plans for today. I start scrolling on my phone until I get handed some toast and eggs which I quickly ate.

"Ok Marcella lets go we need to go meet Adam and get you fully ready." Paul rushes as I stand up grabbing my purse and following him out to the car. When we arrive at the arena I am guided by my bodyguards Kevin and Alex. I'm brought to a office room that had a sign on the door that said 'HHH' I wait till the door opens and then shake hands with the man then sit down.

"Ms. Flynn thank you so much for agreeing to perform for us today, your voice has taken over the singing industry and we thought it would be wonderful to have you." Adam said flashing me a smile.

"Oh of course its lovely to be here today." I smile back before he starts giving the plans for tonight. We run through the practice before I go sit in the locker room assigned to me while talking to Belina about all the drama on social media.

"Come on Marc lets get to hair and makeup." I get guided to a room and sit in the chair that had my name on it looking around the place. I lock eyes with this very gorgeous lady who had short black hair getting her makeup done and smile at her. I scroll on my phone while I get my hair done then my makeup. Once that was all finished I walk back to my room and get changed into low rise flare jeans, a red cropped long sleeve, and black converses.

I walk to the entrance and wait till I get my cue to walk out. While I wait I run my vocal warm ups and drink my 10th glass of water today. I see the girl from earlier with 3 guys around her and she smiles at me again. I see Belina making eyes at the tall guy and I nudge her playfully before hearing my cue.

I walk out and hear the arena cheer as I climb into the ring with my mic in hand. I look around the giant arena and look at one of the cameras and begin singing my biggest hit at the moment 'National Anthem'. I walk around a little bit and randomly point at people in the front row. Once the songs ends the arena cheers and I smile and look around. Oh how I love this feeling.

"Thank you all for giving me the time to perform, now lets get to fighting!" The arena cheers again and I make my way back up the ramp and into the back again instantly getting hugged by Belina and Paul.

"You did wonderful sweetie, I'm so proud." Paul said kissing my head. He became like a father to me due to my rough childhood. "Now how about we go to our seats and watch some matches." He finishes and I see Kevin and Alex high five each other.

While watching the matches I get a little bored but pretend to be excited to be watching and then I hear a theme song I know all too well come on. I watch as rey makes his way to the ring high fiving fans. He looks directly at me and I put my head down so I don't see the look on his face.

As he talks I zone out and just wait for this to be over. Randomly the lights go out and I watch 4 emo looking people walk out of the fog and realize its the girl from earlier. The group splits and the girl and some guy who looks familiar to me walk in front of us and he looks right at me.

"Hey whos mullet boy?" I whisper to Belina which she leans over to Kevin and asks him the same thing before leaning back to me.

"His stage name is Dominik Mysterio-" I stop her from continuing.

"Woah as in Rey Mysterio's son? No way he's not all emo that's not him." I watch as he sits on the rope for the girl to get in while Belina keeps talking but I don't listen as I pay attention to him. After they finish talking and exit the ring Paul informs me that Adam would like to meet us in the back. I tell Kevin and Alex to enjoy the show since I know they love WWE. Once walking to the back I give Adam a hug and talk to him for a bit.

"Oh there is a group I would like for you to meet." He points to behind me as I nod my head and turn to see the group. I see Dominik and my hands start shaking a lot but I just slide them into my back pockets so no one notices. The group walks over and Adam tells them to start talking to us.

"Its wonderful to meet you, my name is Demi." The girl with a wicked Australian accent starts.

"I'm Luis." The tall guy says looking at Belina.

"I'm Fergal." Another guy says with his Irish accent.

"And I'm Dominik." I tried to tell myself it wasn't real but once he said his name I knew it was.

"Its wonderful to meet you all, I'm Marcella, this is my assistant Belina, and my manager Paul." I say trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Your the chick with the beautiful voice. Your voice is so powerful." Demi said making me smile and say thank you.

"Hey we are going to a club tonight if you guys want to join us." Luis said looking at Belina.

"You girls go have fun I have business to take care of." Paul said walking away leaving us alone. We agree on a time to meet at the exit to head over to the club.

Once Belina and I get back to the room I instantly look up his insta and see that he is engaged to this beautiful girl and tears start to build before I quickly wipe them so Belina doesn't notice. I have no right to cry since I walked out on him. Tonight is going to be eventful.

A/N: I hope yall enjoyed not much to say so love you all so eat, drink, sleep, stay safe, and most importantly don't die. Mwah<3

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