Why? Part 6

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"Oh Damian!" I said once I pulled off of him.

"Y-Yeah?" oh boy! His cheeks are so adorably pink.

"I forgot to tell papa to pick me up after school and...Uh...It's past six now and it's getting darker outside...I doubt if I'll be able to find a bus now." I explained to him, anxious.

Really, how am I supposed to get back home tonight? How did I forget something as important as this? Spy Wars is about to start and I can't bear missing this new episode.

He raised an eyebrow at me and frowned. After remaining silent for what seemed like centuries he burst out:

"What!! Are you telling me that your parents aren't aware of what you're doing here?"

Taken aback by his sudden reaction, I nodded confused. I mean, what's wrong with me being at school now that the school is closed? Oh yeah, I mentally face palmed myself with realization. My mind was screaming 'CLOSED' as a keyword.

"They must be insanely worried about you! They must have been looking for you everywhere."

Or not even aware of my absence because they're busy doing their jobs.

I silently added. Like hell I can tell him that! It might seem weird and shocking. After all, a six-year-old child must be at home now taken care of by his parents. But unfortunately it's not the case for me. I barely have a decent conversation with them after dinner since I am supposed to be in my bedroom either studying or sleeping. I can't count the number of times they sneak out of the house at night knowing that I am asleep.

After all, my family is a Spy family. Both my parents do have to accomplish extremely dangerous jobs to maintain the peace in my town.

Realizing that Damian was expecting me to answer his questions, I shifted in my place and said trying to sound guilty:

"Yeah I understand what you're trying to tell me, Damian. And I really do blame myself for not thinking about the consequences. No doubt, they're both turning the city upside down searching for me in every corner." I know that I was exaggerating by saying that, but I needed to lie anyway. "So...Um...I was wondering if I can ask you for a favor."

He looked at me incredulously and I can tell how much he was struggling to maintain his cool as he said to me eventually: "Sure! What is that thing you want to ask?"

"Can you help me leave the school without being seen? I know that if my parents find out that I'm still at school and precisely in the boy's dorm things will get complicated. After all, I am not supposed to be here in your room. And if the principal finds out I doubt if we'll remain in a safe position."

His eyes widened in realization as reality slapped him hard on the face and he started to panic. 

Come on Sy on, when did I become the smartest one here? How come you didn't realize that you're breaking rules by having me under the same roof as you?

I can tell that the boy was shaking so hard as a train of negative thoughts barged in his mind. Thoughts and fears of if we got caught, if we end up getting a bolt, if his father finds out and how much he'll be mad at him to the point of disowning him!

I mean how cruel can this man be toward his son, his blood and flesh! Oh right. I forgot that he's a manipulative, cold chairman who aims to start a war between Ostania and Westalis. The man is a monster, no question. But the thought of him torturing his own son still freaks me out. Is there a drop of humanity in his body?

Obviously not.

Figuring out the silence that wrapped the whole room since I stopped talking and the mess Sy on boy was in currently, I hurried to put a hand on his lap to comfort him, saying afterwards:

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